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Randy Travis What Happened: Health? Know How His Health



Randy Travis What Happened: Travis experienced a near-fatal stroke in 2013, causing alarm among his admirers. Please continue reading to learn more about his health and career.

Randy Since the release of his first single in 1985, Bruce Traywick, better known as Randy Travis, has ruled the hearts of music fans.

In his career, the Grammy Award winner has released 22 studio albums. After suffering a stroke in 2013, The Whisper My Name has not released any new songs since.

Randy Travis’ health: what happened to him?

Randy went to the emergency hospital in July 2013, complaining of congestion, according to He had a stroke a few days later, which was the outcome of his heart failure.

Fluid builds up in the heart in this disease, causing it to pump blood insufficiently. Randy’s brain had a massive stroke that impacted the centre region of his brain. His condition deteriorated to the point where doctors had to put him on life support and into a coma to safeguard his brain.

Randy’s then-fiancee Mary had likewise been advised by physicians that his chances of survival were only one per cent. They also advised her to consider removing him from life support.

Mary, on the other hand, did not budge and remained by his side. Even when in a semi-coma, Mary told the medics that he had gripped her hand and promised the team that they would fight this together.

Randy Travis endured brain surgery and spent six months in hospital as he regained strength. With the support of his wife and physical therapy, he was able to walk and speak. He also went to the 2019 CMA Fest, where he signed autographs and posed for photos with his fans.

Randy’s memoir, Forever and Ever Amen, was released in May 2019. All of the important events of his life are detailed in his memoir. He’s also written about his alcoholism and arrest in 2012 when he was found nude in a drunken stupor.

Randy Travis’ well-known tunes

Randy’s most successful songs include Forever and Ever, Amen, which has 55 million views on YouTube; Three Wooden Crosses, which has 20 million views; Deeper Than the Holler, which has 14 million views; and I Told You So, which has 21 million views.

In 1988, he won an American Music Award for Forever and Ever, Amen. His song Diggin’ Up Bones was also nominated for a Grammy.

Instagram user @therandytravis

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