Home News Who is Guy Babcock: Stranger On The Internet Ruined

Who is Guy Babcock: Stranger On The Internet Ruined


Who is Guy Babcock?

Guy Babcock is a software engineer who lives in an Oxfordshire village with his wife and son. He is not a thief, a fraudster or a pedophile. But if you Google his name, you might get a very different impression.

What happened to Guy Babcock?

Two years ago, Guy Babcock discovered that someone had slandered him and his family members online, calling them thieves, fraudsters and pedophiles.

The posts listed their contact details and employers, and included doctored images of their faces with “pedophile” written across them. The posts appeared on strange sites that were hard to trace or contact, and were ranked high on Google’s search results.

Who did this to Guy Babcock?

Guy Babcock investigated the source of the online attacks and discovered a grudge that went back 25 years. The person behind the smear campaign was a former friend of his ex-wife, who blamed him for ruining her life.

She had been harassing him and his family for decades, using different aliases and methods. She had also targeted hundreds of other people who had crossed her path or offended her in some way.

How did he fight back?

Guy Babcock tried to get Google to remove the defamatory posts from its search results, but the company refused, saying it was not responsible for the content of third-party websites. He also tried to contact the websites hosting the posts, but most of them ignored him or asked for money to take them down.

He hired lawyers and private investigators, but they could not stop the online abuse. He spent thousands of pounds and countless hours trying to clear his name and protect his family.

What is the current situation?

Guy Babcock is still struggling with the online slander. He worries about the impact it will have on his son, his career and his reputation. He has joined forces with other victims of the same person, and they have filed a lawsuit against Google in the UK, hoping to force the company to remove the harmful posts.

He hopes that by speaking out, he can raise awareness of the problem of online defamation and the lack of accountability of platforms like Google.

FAQ: The Ultimate Guide to Your Questions

Q: How can I help Guy Babcock and other victims of online defamation?

A: You can sign this petition asking Google to remove defamatory content from its search results: https://www.change.org/p/google-remove-defamatory-content-from-google-search-results

Q: How can I protect myself from online defamation?

A: You can monitor your online reputation by setting up Google alerts for your name and other keywords related to you. You can also use tools like BrandYourself or ReputationDefender to improve your online presence and suppress negative content.

Q: What are the legal remedies for online defamation in the UK?

A: You can sue the person who posted the defamatory content for libel or malicious falsehood, if you can identify them and prove that they caused you serious harm.

You can also sue the website that hosted the content for secondary liability, if they failed to remove it after receiving a notice from you. You can also report the content to the police if it constitutes a criminal offence, such as harassment or incitement to hatred.

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