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How Did Elvis Presley Die? [Know The Cause]



Elvis Presley death: Elvis Presley is synonymous with many things such as rock ‘n roll, fried peanut Butter and banana sandwiches.

His untimely demise is another part of the legacy that made Presley the “King” of Rock ‘n Roll. Presley was born in Tupelo (Mississippi) on January 8, 1935 and died at Memphis, Tennessee on August 16, 1977.

The discussion surrounding Presley’s death and life has been a tumultuous one since Baz Luhmann’s “Elvis” was released in June 2022. It stars Austin Butler and Tom Hanks. This musical drama tells the story of Presley’s rise to fame, marriage to Priscilla and overall legacy.

Here’s what you need to know regarding Elvis Presley’ death, declining health, and other aspects in his life.

How did Elvis pass away?

Elvis Presley, 42, died in Memphis, Tennessee on August 16, 1977. Fans mourned his untimely passing as they made their way to Graceland in Memphis to pay their respects.

Graceland found Presley unresponsive. According to PBS, Ginger Alden , Presley’s then-fiancee, found him unconscious on the floor in the master bathroom. At 3:30 p.m., he was declared dead at the hospital.

Preliminary autopsy results determined that Presley died from a “cardiac rhythmia”, and that no drugs were involved. PBS reports. This was later proven to not be true.

A toxicology report found that Elvis’ blood had high levels of Percodan, Percodan and Demerol opiates, along with Quaaludes, just weeks after his death.

Elvis Presley died on the toilet?

The world’s most famous star was discovered at Graceland on August 16, 1977. He was then pronounced dead at Memphis Baptist Memorial Hospital.

Elvis Presley was found face down on the ground in his bathroom. It appeared that he had fallen from the toilet.

The star of rock was extremely poor in diet towards the end. He suffered from chronic constipation, and a post-mortem revealed that he had a four-month-old stool sitting in his bowel.

Elvis was blue and cold when paramedics arrived. He had not shown any vital signs. It is believed that he had been dead for at least an hour.

Baptist Memorial Hospital made a vain attempt to revive him, “he was Elvis”.

Memphis was flooded with mourning fans after the death of “King of Rock and Roll”.

Elvis’ health issues, explained

Presley, prior to his death was no longer the hip-swaying sex icon. Salon reports that one of the first to arrive at Graceland following the death of Elvis and assisted in carrying him to the ambulance, was Elvis Presley: A Southern Life. He “must have weighed 250 lbs.”

He was also concerned about his weight.

According to Salon, the book said that Dr. Nichopoulos had prescribed for Elvis prescriptions for at least 8,805 pills and vials during the seven-and-a-half months prior to his death.  These drugs included ups, downers and powerful painkillers like Dilaudid and Quaalude.

They also contained cocaine hydrochloride in larger quantities that are more appropriate for terminally ill patients with cancer.

Elvis was known for being a prodigious eater. Some of the interesting and caloric meals that Elvis ate over the years were the Fool’s Gold Loaf which was “made using a full jar of blueberry jam, peanut butter, and an entire pound bacon,” peanut butter, and banana sandwiches.

Mary Jenkins, a former Graceland cook, demonstrated how to make this famous sandwich with a whole stick of butter during a 1987 appearance at Letterman.

PBS reported that Presley was an avid user of opiates. Presley was known to have used “antihistamines and tranquilizers such Valium, barbiturates like Quaaludes sleeping pills, sleeping pills, hormones, and laxatives for constipation”.

PBS reported that two pathologists found evidence of Presley’s severe and chronic constipation and diabetes at the time of Presley’s death. Presley’s use of painkillers is believed to have contributed greatly to his severe constipation.

The book “Elvis Presley, A Southern Life” also stated that the autopsy confirmed what his doctors knew: Elvis was chronically ill from diabetes, glaucoma and constipation.

What age would Elvis be today

If Presley was alive today, he’d be 87 in August 2022.

He was born January 8, 1935 in Tupelo (Mississippi). says that his twin brother Jessie was stillborn.

Elvis was raised in a loving home with little money. Presley was a shy person, but he had a tremendous musical talent. He was 10 years old when placed fifth at the 1945 Mississippi-Alabama Fair and Dairy Show. This was a solo performance with no accompaniment, according to

Where is Elvis buried

Elvis is buried at Graceland Estate, where he famously lived in his mansion.

The estate also laid to rest Benjamin Storm Presley Keough the star’s grandson, Elvis’ mother Gladys and Vernon grandmother Minnie Mae.

All of them were buried in the beautiful Meditation Garden. Each has a large, surrounded by flowers tombstone with a small pond at the center.

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