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Discord overlay not working

Discord overlay not working Hi, Guys. Today I will be going to share some exciting information on the topic of Discord overlay not working.

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Discord overlay not working

Discord overlay not working

Discord is a Voice over Internet Protocol application. It gives pro gamers convenient communication services.

The overlay feature gives one to reach other users, but I am playing a full-screen game. One can share screenshots, send messages, and a voice chat.

The Discord Overlay Not Working on Windows 10

Many users have reported that the Discord overlay does not show during a game. Some tell that the issue takes place with a specific game. But others are experiencing it with every game.

Suppose one is dealing with this problem. We understand how frustrating it can be. Please keep reading to find solutions to fixing the Discord overlay that does not work to Fortnite, League of Legends, Borderlands 2, and many famous games.

Why is Discord Overlay is invisible?

These are few factors that can cause this:

The In-Game Overlay option is not enabled:

One may not have to arrange the settings correctly. Some games need to add to the Discord game list. Some will also have to turn on the overlay option.

The Hardware acceleration:

When it is possible, that can affect the Discord overlay feature. Hardware acceleration is the uploading of tasks to the devices and hardware other than the CPU. Those specialize in them.

The Scaled display:

The display of scaling on Windows makes everything on the screen look more extensive. So that one can enjoy better visibility when using the apps. But this may cause the Discord overlay to get hidden.

The Overlay position:

One may have moved the Discord overlay to the edge of the screen. If one now happens also to give display scaling. We will then move off the option to the screen. One won’t be able to see it although there is no problem with it.

The Antivirus program interference:

The security program may have flagged Discord. Its overlay feature has a belief.

How to Fix the Discord Overlay when it is not Working

The foremost thing one should do is make sure that the game is supporting by Discord overlay. The feature won’t work games that are including those with a somewhat dated or that use Vulkan.

Most popular games include World of Warcraft, Fortnite, League of Legends, Minecraft, Dota 2, CS: GO, and WoW, which to mention a few and should work well with the feature.

Once one is sure, and one can then go ahead to try these solutions:

Check whether an in-game overlay is enabling in the Discord

Reboot the computer

Agree to Discord admin rights

Disable the hardware acceleration

Close on conflicting applications

Adjust the display scale

Change the overlay position

Give the overlay hotkey

Check if the antivirus or Windows Firewall is blocking the overlay

Use a VPN instead of a proxy

Update or reinstall the Discord

Fix 1: Checks Whether In-Game Overlay is Enable in the Discord

To use of Discord overlay, one has to give the option for the game.

Here is how:

Open the Discord app that is the desktop shortcut or Start menu.

Click on the user settings—the cogwheel icon at the bottom of the page, just by Avatar’s right side.

In the left sheet, they were clicking in Overlay on the right-hand side of the page, click the toggle to give the option that says Enable in-game overlay.

Go back to the left sheet and then click on Game Activity. It displays under the App Settings.

In the suitable sheet, locate the game one is playing and ensure that the Overlay is turning on for it. If so, then the name will be in a green background with written Overlay: ON beside it. If an overlay is not enabled, then click the monitor button to turn it on.

Note: If one cannot find the game. Then one can add it by clicking the button on Add its link then, select the name from the drop-down that seems, and connect to Add game.

If an overlay is already enabled, then turn it off and will allow it again.

Save the settings again and re-launch the game.

Fix 2: Reboot the Computer

Reboot the computer and reopen Discord. Doing so may eliminate the unexpected defect that is causing Overlay not to work or show it up in-game. This fix is continuously effective and maybe all that is required.

Fix 3: Grant of Discord Admin Rights

The issue one is dealing with could be because of Discord which does not have admin rights. Follow these easy steps to correct that.

Just Right-click on the Discord desktop shortcut one can also click on the Discord in the Start menu. On the executable file of Discord that is locating in the Program Files folder of the hard drive.

In the context menu, opens and click on Run as administrator.

Clicks the Yes button when it is presenting with the UAC that is User Account Control correctly.

Launches the game and see whether the solving the problem.

Note that one will need to perform the above steps every time. One wants to open the Discord. Therefore, to grant it admin advantages once and for all. Here is what one have to do:

Right-click on the Discord shortcut on the desktop.

Just click on Properties. It is the last option that gives at the bottom of the context menu.

Go to the Compatibility tab in the small window is opens under the Settings category; mark the checkbox to run a program as an administrator.

Click on the ok button to saves the change.

Now, double-click in the Discord desktop shortcut to open it.

Run the game and see if one can now access the Overlay.

Fix 4: The Close Conflicting Applications

Other apps that are running on the PC may interfere and cause Discord overlay. But that is not to function as expected. One needs to close any programs with overlay features like Steam those that have access to the microphone.

For best performance, close all the apps that are except Discord. To stop those running in the background, click Ctrl + Alt + Delete on the keyboard and then select Task Manager. Under the window’s Processes tab, like each of the apps in the list and click the End Task button.

Fix 5: Enable the Overlay Hotkey

Possibility one has not assigned a hotkey for giving Overlay. If one has, make sure that it does not conflict with some other hotkey in the game or the Discord app.

Follow these simple, easy steps to activate a new hotkey:

Just Open Discord.

Click on the User Settings that is the gear icon by the right side of the Avatar. On the bottom-left corner of the Discord window.

Click on Overlay in the left sheet under App Settings.

One will find the recent hotkey beside the ‘Enable in-game overlay’ option.

Assign a new hotkey and then use it to call up Discord overlay after one reopens the game.

Fix 6: Adjust the Display Scale

If one has scaled the display above 100%, one might not locate an overlay. Whether this is the case, it reduces the percentage and sees if this resolves the problem.

Follow the simple steps to do so:

Clicks the Windows logo key + I combination on the keyboard to open the Settings app.

Click on the System.

Select the Display.

On the window’s right-hand side, one is expanding the drop-down under the Scale and Layout category.

Select 100% if Recommended.

Rerun the game. One should now be able to see the Overlay.

Fix 7: Change of the Overlay Position

It could be that one mistakenly pull roughly the Overlay off the screen, especially since different games have different resolutions. The feature is almost certainly working fine, but I cannot locate it by one.

In this case, follow these simple steps to reset the position:

Closing game and Discord.

Opens Discord and then press the Ctrl + Shift + I key combination on the keyboard. Doing so opens up a JavaScript comfort right beside the Discord window.

Just Click the doubled-up horizontal arrow (>>) in the menu at the top of the console.

Click on to application from the drop-down list.

In the left panel of the page, click on Local Storage and then selecting ‘https:\\discordapp.com’ to enter it.

Below the Key column in the right pane, locate OverlayStore or OverlayStore V2 and make right-click on it.

Select Delete from the context menu.

Restart Discord and run the game. It Will no longer hide an overlay hidden, and it should be back to its default position.

Fix 8: Disable the Hardware Acceleration

The Hardware acceleration is when enabled to uses the GPU to make Discord run more efficiently. However, it may cause Overlay not to work. Therefore, if one has turned on this feature in Discord, then follow the steps below to rectify the issue:

Open the Discord by double-clicking on the desktop shortcut.

Clicking on User Settings, the cogwheel icon at the bottom of the screen is on Avatar’s right-hand side.

Go to the left pane to click on the appearance.

In the right pane, scroll down to Hardware Acceleration. The option is displaying under the ‘Advanced’ category. And then click the toggle to turn it off.

Click Ok when presented with a confirmation bring about after Discord restarts should resolve the issue.

Fix 9: Check if the Antivirus or Windows Firewall is Blocking the Overlay

Most of the third-party antivirus programs. As well as Windows Firewall tends to flag Discord overlay as a suspicious process. Denying it the given preventing it from running. However, the developers of Discord accept that the program poses no threat to the operating system.

Therefore, open the antivirus software and check if there is a Discord-related entry in the list of blocked applications or services. If so, then unblock it and add it as a trusted program.

Note: Consult the manual of the antivirus if one doesn’t know how to perform this task.

One can also try activities of the Antivirus program and Windows Firewall temporarily during gameplay. See if that makes any difference.

Here is how to disable Windows Firewall:

Go to the Start menu.

Then Type ‘Firewall’ in the search bar and click on Windows Firewall from the search results.

A window opens, goes to the left pane, and clicks on the option that says Turn Windows Firewall on or off.

Select the Turn off Windows Firewall, which not recommend.

Clicks the OK button to save the changes.

Note: This is not advisable to use the computer without a trusted security program. Suppose the current antivirus interferes with a Discord overlay. We suggest one to get Auslogics Anti-Malware to keep the PC protected.

Fix 10: Use of a VPN Instead of a Proxy

It is frequently advisable to use a VPN rather than a proxy since the latter is more prone to hackers who attack and can discord to prevent overlay from works.

Follow these simple steps to makes the switch and see if that resolves the issue:

Press the Windows logo + R combination on the keyboard to open the Run dialog.

Type’ Control Panel’ in the text field and then click OK to press Enter.

In the window that opens, make sure the Category is selected under ‘View by:’ in the screen’s top-right corner.

Click on Network and Internet.

Click on the Internet options.

Alternatively, one can quickly access the Internet Options window from the Start menu. Type ‘Internet options’ on the search bar, then click on the opportunity when it seems in the search results.

Go to the Connections tab in the small window that opens.

Click the LAN Settings button to ensure that the checkbox is unmarked for the option that says “Use a proxy server for the LAN.”

Just click OK to save the change.

Fix 11: Update or Reinstall the Discord

If one has come this far and still can not get an overlay to work on the Discord. Then one needs to make sure that the app is up to date. It could be that the version one is using does not work well with the game one is playing.

However, the issue may have started after Discord got updated. Since the updates are released regularly, and a bug may have to introduce. Nothing is their one can do to resolve the issue other than to wait for the next update. Which is usually gets installed automatically.

It can also be that some files got corrupt or missing. But the app was being installed or afterward. Therefore, if one already has the latest version of Discord. Then reinstalling it can help to fix the overlay not working problem.

Follow these easy steps to uninstall Discord completely:

Go to the Start menu.

Type ‘Run’ in the search bar and then click on the option from the search results. Alternatively, press the Windows logo + R combination on the keyboard to call on the Run box.

Type’ Control Panel’ in the text field and then click OK or press to Enter.

Select the Category under the ‘View by:’ drop-down. That is displaying in the top-right corner of the screen.

Click on Uninstall a program that is mention under Programs.

In the window that opens, one will present a list of all installed applications on the computer. Locate the Discord right-click on it.

I am selecting Uninstall from the context menu I am now, pressing the Windows logo key + E to open File Explorer.

We are going to Local Disk (C:) and open the Program Files folder.

Locate the Discord directory and delete it. Doing so will remove the leftover files. We are allowing one to achieve a clean installation.

Restart the PC.

Note: Use of Auslogics Registry Cleaner to remove uninstalled software leftovers and to keep the PC optimized.

Afterward, go to the official website of Discord to download and install the app. Then follow the steps below:

Reboot the PC once again.

Open Discord and add the game. Make sure one gives the in-game overlay option that refers to Fix one above. Also, note the associated hotkey that refers to a key or combination of tickets to provide the in-game overlay quickly.

Launches game and see if the problem has solved using the hotkey one noted above to bring up the overlay. By default, it is positioning in the top-left corner of the game window.

There one has it.

The solutions we have presented in this guide have worked for the other users. And will do the trick for one as well.

One can leave us a comment in the section below to let us know the fix that worked for them. Also, feel free to share the thoughts if you have any questions or remarks.

We are love to hear from the people.

Pro tip: Using the Auslogics BoostSpeed to clean up the system. To get rid of speed-reducing issues that cause the games to hang or crash.

So, this is the vital information on the topic of Discord overlay not working.

If Queries or Questions is persisting then, please feel free to comment on the viewpoints.

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