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Christie Goddard: Know About Her Husband, Children & Married life?



Who is Christie Goddard? : She is an actress and wife of Shane Richie who is a EastEnders legend. Her husband Shane who is 15 years older than her and both tied the knot in 2007. In this article we are going to discuss about how she met Shane Richie, how many children she have ? , Is she doing something new nowadays? So keep reading the article and follow chopnews to be updated

Who is Christie Goddard?

Christie Goddard is an actress She has appeared in films such as The Last Dance, American Daylight, and Hustle. Christie Goddard’s husband is EastEnders legend Shane Ritchie.

Christie Goddard Career

She’s also performed in Jim Davidson’s Boobs In The Wood, a “British racy pantomime comedy about Robin Hood, Maid Marion, and the evil Sheriff Richard Dangley,” which is characterized as a “British risque pantomime comedy about Robin Hood, Maid Marion, and the bad Sheriff Richard Dangley.”

Christie Goddard Marriage

On July 21, 2007, Christie and Shane tied the knot. In 2001, the couple met for the first time. That’s what they thought, at least. Christie had met Shane, who is 15 years her senior, when she was just 12 years old and was cast as a celery stalk in a Royal Variety show in which Shane had starred.

Christie told the Standard about their adult encounter: “I first saw him in Wimbledon, where he was performing in Jack and the Beanstalk. In Croydon, I was in Cinderella.”I went to meet him with a friend, and he was dressed in green tights and a small green suit.”

Shane was previously married to Coleen Nolan, a television actress. Their marriage lasted from 1990 to 1999, and it ended when maintaining their long-distance relationship proved too tough.

Christie, Shane has said: “I’d found a relationship based on honesty for the first time since Coleen. It was unadulterated. There were no hidden agendas or deceptions.”

Christie Goddard Children

Mackenzie Blue, Lolita Bell, and Romani-Skye Angel Shelley are Shane and Christie’s three children. Shane Roche Jr. and Jake Roche are Shane’s children from his former marriage to Coleen Nolan.

Shane revealed in 2017 that he and Christie were considering adopting a fourth child. At the time, Shane, 53, said: “We’re discussing adoption. We may choose to foster, which means we will be able to adopt children of any age. We may have a baby because my children are six, nine, and eleven years old.” “Although we could have more children,” he continued, “I believe it’s because we can have children that we think, ‘Why don’t we?”

Christie also mentioned how much she enjoys being a mother. She stated, ” “I’d like to have more children. Motherhood has turned out to be all I had hoped for. “I couldn’t have asked for anything more than to be married, have children, and be happy. We’ve discussed adopting, so we’ll see what happens.”

The couple hasn’t made any further announcements about their adoption plans.

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