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Blaire White : On YouTube, meet Blaire White, a transgender Trump supporter who is winning over conservatives.

Blaire White Wiki & Polytical Career

Blaire White and her partner showed up to an anti-Trump event on Hollywood Boulevard dressed completely inappropriately.

When the couple went into a crowd of protesters, they were both wearing red “Make America Great Again” hats. After that, everything happened pretty much as they predicted.

According to White, a male protester took her boyfriend’s hat and flung it to the ground nearly immediately. When White went to get it, the demonstrator allegedly stomped on her hand, breaking her nail and caused her to bleed.

Later, as the two made their way out of the crowd, White said that a bystander tossed something in her face that she mistook for alcohol.

White, a conservative YouTube personality, caught it all on camera, which was her goal all along: the stunt was meant to be a “social experiment” to illustrate her audience how misunderstood conservatism can be.

She said that the reported incident, which has been partially disputed by the fact-checking website Snopes, properly demonstrated her thesis.

White told Newsweek, “I am a transsexual lady who lives my life and goes out every day as me.” “I’ve never been assaulted because of my gender identity.

I’ve never had somebody on the street make a negative comment regarding my gender identity. However, I was assaulted because I was wearing a Trump hat. That, I believe, speaks for itself.”

White, a 24-year-old from Los Angeles, may be the most visible trans voice on the right, aside from Caitlyn Jenner:

Every two weeks, White, a 24-year-old from Los Angeles, posts videos on YouTube sharing her conservative opinions to an audience of about 360,000 subscribers who help her rack up millions of views every month.

White has been able to win over right-leaning YouTube viewers by slamming feminists, “social justice warriors,” the media, and even other trans or gender-nonconforming persons.

“There Are Only 2 Genders,” “Fat Acceptance Is Stupid,” “Special Snowflake Syndrome,” and “World’s Youngest Trans Kid (WTF?)” are among her videos.

White’s claim that being conservative is harder than being trans, for example, plays straight into the hands of her viewers, who have begun to see being Republican as its own form of minority classification with the emergence of President Donald Trump.

Viewers didn’t seem to mind that White and her partner allegedly breached a police line meant to keep demonstrators calm, possibly fueling her MAGA hat confrontation.

It’s also possible, as Snopes theorised, that White and her boyfriend paid someone to throw the liquid in her face in order to fabricate the alleged assault, which White said she didn’t report to the cops. The lesson is all that matters: conservatives are being attacked.

Top commentators expressed sympathy for White and attacked the “tolerant left” after seeing his latest video recalling the MAGA hat confrontation. The video has received over 471,000 views as of this writing.

White began filming YouTube videos about two years ago, while still a student at California State University, Chico, studying computer science.

She’d featured on a friend’s YouTube livestream at the time, and hundreds of people told her she should start her own channel in the comments, according to White.

White said she’d been looking for a way to express her displeasure with the majority-liberal teachers and students she experienced at Chico, so she followed the advise of the comments. It’s now her full-time job.

White, who began hormone therapy at the age of 20, recently utilised some of her YouTube earnings to pay for facial feminization surgery and breast augmentation early this year.

White recorded a video after the operations stating that the procedures weren’t for “vanity,” but rather to aid her with gender dysphoria, the feeling that her physical appearance contradicted her gender identity.

White told Newsweek that she’d been feeling this way since she was a toddler.

“My first memories of gender dysphoria were of feeling uneasy in my own skin and being unable to satisfy male ideals,” White added.

“When I was younger, I didn’t have the vocabulary for it. When I hit 20, I realised that transitioning was the simplest way for me to function in society and be myself.”

Her traditional family, she claimed, was entirely supportive of her decision. She barely hesitated on the phone with Newsweek to think what her father, who died before she transitioned, would have thought.

White is well aware that because of her gender identity, she is an unusual right-wing advocate.

“I’m pretty much the lone trans woman in the conservative movement,” White stated. “I’ll take whatever comes with it. There are folks on the far right who will not accept me no matter what I say or how I present myself.”

She pointed out that The Daily Caller changed all feminine pronouns identifying her to masculine ones in its piece about the alleged Hollywood Boulevard incident.

(Daily Caller editor-in-chief Christopher Bedford explained the editorial choice in an email to Newsweek, citing a 2008 Guardian piece stating that biological sex is codified in human DNA.)

White also admitted that she had received hostile comments about her gender identity on her YouTube channel, but she disregarded them as “par for the course just being online.”

Nonetheless, White claims that situations like this make her feel like she’s in “limbo” as a trans conservative: while liberals are generally more accepting of her gender identity, they don’t always embrace her political views.

White says she feels most at ease with conservatives, who embrace her because of their underlying belief in “individualism,” which she shares.

However, there have been times when White has stood up to her own party in support of the trans community. White debunks a Breitbart article reporting that a trans woman raped a 10-year-old kid in a restroom in an October video, claiming that the organisation purposefully mislead readers to “make political points.

” White labelled allegations of trans persons attacking children in toilets “mythology” and accused advocates of trans bathroom bills of “fearmongering” in an interview with Newsweek.

White utilises the women’s bathroom because she is a trans woman, and she believes that everyone should use the bathroom that corresponds to their gender identity.

She also told Newsweek that she is somewhat opposed to Trump’s proposed ban on trans troops, which a federal judge has since banned.

White said she agrees with the president’s request to bar trans service members undergoing hormone therapy from fighting on the front lines, but that there’s no reason trans people shouldn’t be able to serve in other positions in the military.

White, on the other hand, is usually spot on with her party’s messaging.

White mocks persons who identify as nonbinary or genderqueer in a video titled “Trans-Retarded,” arguing that those identities are “mostly bogus.”

In the February 2016 video, White states, “I believe they’re incredibly meaningless.” “I believe that the people that hire them are usually really boring and have no other personality than ‘I’m demi-queer nonbinary gender-fuck unique snowflake kin.'”

With these kinds of comments, White has attacked specific members of the trans YouTube community, most notably in a video called “Triggering Trannies Pt 2,” in which she mocks the appearance of trans vloggers with progressive ideas.

Zinnia Jones is one of the trans women White calls out, and she has disputed White’s claims that allowing children to transition is child cruelty.

“Conservatives aren’t [on White’s YouTube channel] to support trans people,” said Jones, who has her own trans-focused YouTube channel.

“They’re there because they want to be informed that trans youth are ineffectual or dangerous, that affirming care is political correctness gone mad, that transitioning is inefficient or destructive, and that it’s alright to call us ‘trannies.'”

White’s videos trashing her and other trans vloggers, according to Jones, have prompted attacks from White’s supporters, who have pushed her off YouTube.

Jones hasn’t uploaded a video to her YouTube channel in three months, preferring to devote her time to her blog, Gender Analysis.

“She has clearly driven thousands of her admirers to abuse me with anti-trans slurs and insults on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and just about any platform I use,” Jones added.

“Her actions are cynical and selfish, and they establish a dangerous precedent for how the trans community is treated.”

This kind of anti-trans discourse has real-world effects. Trans support organisations have reported at least 25 trans homicides so far this year, making it the bloodiest year on record for trans individuals in the United States.

Trans women are more than four times as likely as cisgender women to be murdered, and 87 percent of trans people killed between 2013 and 2015 were people of colour.

Calls to Trans Lifeline, a trans crisis hotline, nearly doubled after North Carolina enacted its trans bathroom bill, setting a new high for the organisation. The Trevor Project reported a “dramatic rise” in calls from trans people to its suicide hotline within 24 hours of Trump tweeting about his proposed trans military ban.

Activists have linked increases in physical violence against trans people to Republican-backed anti-trans policies, as well as everyday anti-trans rhetoric used by White in several of her videos.

White, on the other hand, does not believe her previous views regarding trans people are detrimental; she claims she can both critique and passionately embrace trans identity.

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