Home News United States Justice Department, FBI probing Cambridge Analytical

United States Justice Department, FBI probing Cambridge Analytical


United States Justice Department, FBI probing Cambridge Analytical: The US Justice Department and the FBI are investigating Cambridge Analytical, the British marketing analytics firm embroiling in the Facebook data scandal, and have potential questioning witnesses. The New York Times reports on Tuesday.

United States Justice Department, FBI probing Cambridge Analytical

CA has vehemently denied to exploiting data obtaining from up to 87 million Facebook users for the Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, claims it deletes data obtained in breach of the social network’s terms of Service.

The company announcing early this month it was closing and will file for bankruptcy in Britain and the United States, saying it vilify by the many unfound accusations.

US investors have sought to speak with the banks that have to handle the company’s business, the Times says, citing an American official and others familiar with the investigation as saying the probe appears to focus on the CA’s finances and how it is obtaining and using Personal data from the Facebook.

One of the prosecutors involving in the inquiry which is Brian Kidd, assistant chief of the Justice Department’s securities and financial fraud division, with the help of at least one agent who investigates cybercrime for FBI.

Kidd is traveling to London with the another Justice Department prosecutor and an FBI agent this month to interview ex-CA employee Christopher Wylie, says according to Times.

I can confirm that I have contact with the FBI and the Department of Justice, and answering preliminary questions.

Wylie tells the newspaper. We are the plan to meet again to provide substantive answers to the investigators.

The Times says it was unclear whether the probe was linking to the one led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who is investigating whether the Trump campaign is colluding with Russia to tip the presidential election toward the Republican.

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