Home News Top 5 Unique Non-planetary Objects Discovered in Our Solar System

Top 5 Unique Non-planetary Objects Discovered in Our Solar System


Top 5 Unique Non-planetary Objects Discovered in Our Solar System: Hello, Everyone Today I am going to share some interesting facts on The Top Five Unique Non- planetary objects discovered in our solar system. The Space is awesome. There is no arguing that. But all of the really cool stuff is way out there that beyond the edges our solar system in the deep space. In fact, our solar system is a pretty lousy. Here are The Top Five Non- Planetary Objects discovered in our Solar System.

Top 5 Unique Non-planetary Objects Discovered in Our Solar System

1. Mimas

A moon of the Saturn and one of the most heavily cratered objects in the solar system. It also happens to look just like the Death Star. Mimas was the inspiration for the Death Star. The Mimas is also quite mysterious, because its orbit is closer to the Saturn than Enceladus. Both the moons are composed almost entirely of the ice, but only Enceladus is tidally heated by the Saturn enough to melt the ice and create geysers that shoot the water into space. This does not make a lot of sense because Mimas is much closer to the Saturn, and its orbit is less circular, which should mean it experiences the more heating than the Enceladus.

2. Ganymede

The Ganymede is the largest moon in the solar system, and it is even larger than the planet Mercury which meaning it would be a planet, if it were orbiting the Sun instead of the Jupiter. It has its own magnetic field as well as, something that no other moon can be claim.It also has a thin oxygen atmosphere, but it is nowhere near the thick enough to support life. The Ganymede’s craters are very flat when compared to the most moons, which suggests geologic activity below the surface and not surprising for the something so large and so close to the Jupiter.

3. Hyperion

The Hyperion, which looks a lot like a sponge, is the largest moon in the solar system that is not spherical. It never rotates quite the same way because the Titan, a nearby moon, which keeps pulling it in the different directions. The Hyperion’s density is just above half the density of the water (so it would be float, provided a large enough ocean), which is the reason for its spongy appearance; anything that collides with the moon which penetrates deeper because of the Hyperion’s low density. A spongy moon that floats on the water, now we just need to find one that looks like a bar of the soap.

4. Ceres

The Ceres is the only dwarf planet in the main part of the solar system. It is located in the asteroid belt and hogs up all the material in the area (it makes up one-third of all the belt’s matter). Imagine, we had the capability to launch the state of the Texas into the space, and you will have a general idea of how large Ceres is, but probably a disproportionate idea of how many guns it has.Because of the ambiguous definition of the asteroid, it is the only dwarf planet in the solar system that is also an asteroid which is the largest in the belt. The Ceres likely has more water below its surface than all of the fresh water on the Earth.

5. Io

It is Jupiter’s moon Io. Seeming more like something out of the Middle Earth than reality, Io has more volcanic activity than the anybody in our solar system. The eruptions on Io can be enormous, coating over the 30 square kilometers in the volcanic material, and they can be seen from the space. The Io’s route through the Jupiter’s magnetosphere which causes it to generate the great amounts of the electricity that make lightning storms in the Jupiter’s upper atmosphere. But don’t think the Jupiter gets the worst of this interaction, its intense magnetic belts strip around 1,000 kilograms of the material off of Io every second. This has the added effect of the supercharging Jupiter’s magnetosphere, which is effectively doubling its size.

So, these are The Top Five Unique Non- Planetary Objects discovered in our Solar System. If any Queries or Questions is persist then please feel free to comment your view points.