Sun Salutation, also known as Surya Namaskar, is one of the oldest ways of expressing gratitude to the sun. It’s normally done first thing in the morning to welcome the sun. It is done in sets of fives and consists of eight asanas arranged in a 12-Surya Namaskar Steps sequence on each hand, right and left. Take a deep breath and follow the motions of your body each time you perform this series.
Surya Namaskar Steps | Step by Step Instruction
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How many steps are there in Surya namaskar?
It’s supposed to be extremely good for both the mind and the body. Surya Namaskar Steps is a weight-loss, muscle-strengthening, and immunity-boosting yoga practice. It also boosts blood supply and reduces stress. The Surya Namaskar consists of 12 different Surya Namaskar Steps.
1. Pranam Asana (The Prayer Pose)
The first pose is achieved by standing erect on the mat with your feet close together in the first place. Relax the back and take a deep breath. Take a deep breath in and lift your arms to the sides, then join your hands in front of your chest as you exhale.
2. Hasta Uttanasana (Raised arm pose)
Take a deep breath and join your hands together. To stretch properly, lift your arms up while slightly bending and pushing your pelvis forward. To lengthen the neck, stretch backward. Keep your biceps close to your ears while extending your whole body up from your heels.
3. Padahastasana (Standing forward bend)
Exhale and lean over so your fingertips can meet your toes. Maintain a straight spine. Softly press onto your shoes to uniformly distribute your body weight.
4. Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian pose)
As far as you can, push your right leg back and touch your right knee to the floor. Lift your head to look up and distribute your weight equally.
5. Santholanasana (Stick pose)
Inhale deeply and return your right leg to its original position next to your left leg. Maintain a parallel relationship with the ground by holding your hands under your shoulders. The entire length of your body should be in a straight line.
6. Ashtanga Namaskar Asana (Eight limbed salutation)
You must exhale while bringing your knees to the floor in this position. You must drive your hips backward and slide your body in front with your chest and chin facing downward. The floor should be touched by all eight parts of the body.
7. Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)
Slide forward gently, flattening the legs and abdomen on the deck. Place your palms against your stomach, apply pressure to your side, and slowly lift your upper body until your pelvic region is in contact with the ground. Look ahead with your head away from your face and your feet tucked in.
8. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Mountain pose)
To achieve a mountain pose, lift your hips and thrust your chest forward. Open your collarbones and pull your shoulders back. Lift your tailbone up while engaging your legs and keeping your feet on the bottom.
9. Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian pose)
Inhale and step forward with your right foot in between your hands, lowering your left knee to the deck. Look up and press your hips down.
10. Padahastasana (Hands to foot pose)
Exhale and bend over, aligning the toes with one another. With your thumbs, stroke your toes. If necessary, bend the knees and gently straighten them, attempting to touch your nose to the knees.
11. Hasta Uttanasana (Raised arms pose)
Inhale deeply and lift your hands above your head, stretching your spine back. Your hips should be pushed outwards. Bend backward and look up at the ceiling. Make sure your biceps are parallel to your ears.
12. Pranam Asana
Hold your feet together and evenly distribute your weight on both feet while you stand at the end of your mat. Straighten your body and relax your shoulders just slightly.
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