IPS Exam, Eligibility for IPS, Age Limit, Syllabus & Preparation
IPS Examination, Eligibility for IPS, Age Limit, Syllabus & Preparation: Hi, Friends. Today I will share some exciting information on IPS Exam, Eligibility for IPS, Age Limit, Syllabus & Preparation. Please go through the article and enjoy reading it.
IPS Exam, Eligibility for IPS, Age Limit, Syllabus & Preparation
Table of Contents
What is IPS Exam?
The Indian Police Service that is IPS is one of the three All India Services of India’s Government. IPS was formed in the year 1948. The Professional Control Authority for the IPS is the Ministry of Home Affairs IPS Exam for the Indian Police Service examination is a part of the Civil Services Examination. It is conducting by the Union Public Service Commission each year.
IPS Officer An IPS is an Indian Police Service officer. It carries out his or her responsibilities by An IPS that is Indian Police Service. The officer carries out his or her duties by safeguarding the public IPS. The officer serves for the state & central as well. Their first duty is to maintain peace among the public. It gives more importance to Law and Order at the district level, ips exam.
IPS and IAS officers’ collective responsibility is to detect and prevent crime; and traffic control. It was preventing drugs, accident prevention, and management, etc. Their primary role is to lead and commanding the Indian Intelligence Agencies. Like Research and Analysis Wing that is R&AW, Intelligence Bureau that is IB, Central Bureau of Investigation that is CBI, Criminal Investigation Department that is CID, etc. The Indian Federal Law Enforcement Agencies, Civil and Armed Police Forces in all the states and union territories Branches in the (ips exam) IPS fulfill these functions. Very efficiently, responsibly, and systematically IPS service is divided into various functional departments like Crime Branch, Criminal Investigation Department: CID, Home Guards, and Traffic Bureau.
IPS Exam Highlights: The Indian Police Service that is IPS selection will be made through the Civil Services Examination. The UPSC conducts the Civil Services Examination. Along with more than 20 services. The application process and also selection process is standard for all the services.
Approximately eight lakh candidates apply for the IPS exam every year. IPS selection process is the preliminary ips exam and interview or personality test. The selection process is every year will begin in June with the Preliminary. It is ended in April. The final merit list for the Civil Services Examination will be released in May.
The IPS Exam 2020 Important Dates: The UPSC has released the Civil Services Examination that is Civil Services Examination notification on February 12, 2020. Candidates can apply for the examination until the year of March 3, 2020. The Civil Services Examination preliminary exam was held on October 4, and the Main exam in January 2021.
The Eligibility Criteria of IPS Exam
1. Physical Criteria
The physical criteria for eligibility of the IPS officer is as follows:
The Minimum Height: Men – 165cm For Women – 150cm
Relaxable minimum height is 160cm for men and 145cm for women candidates belonging to Schedule Tribe. The races like Gorkhas, Garhwalias, Assamese, Kumaonis, Nagaland Tribals, etc.
The Minimum Chest Girth: Men or Women: 84cm 79cm
The Myopia including cylinder that should not exceed minus 4.00D
The Hypermyopia including cylinder that should not exceed plus 4.00D
- The presence of Squint is a disqualification.
- The Spectacles are permitted.
- Distant vision for the better eye that is in Corrected Vision should be around 6/6 or 6/9
- Distant vision for the worse eye that is Uncorrected Vision should be 6/12 or 6/9
- The Near vision should be J1 and J2, respectively.
- High-grade color vision is required, and Binocular vision is also needed.
2. The Nationality
The nationality of a candidate must be the following:
- The Citizen of India
- The Subject of Nepal
- The Subject of Bhutan
- Before the year January 1, 1962, a Tibetan refugee came to India for permanent settlement in India.
- A migrant from any of the following countries for permanently settling in India are Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, and East African are Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia, and Vietnam.
3. Educational Qualification
A candidate must hold a Bachelor’sBachelor’s degree from any of the universities. The UGC should recognize it or have an equivalent qualification.
4. Age Limit
The candidate should fulfill the age limits mentioned below:
- The Minimum age is 21 years
- The maximum age is 32 years as of the year August 1 in the year of examination.
The relaxable age limit is as follows:
- The duration of a maximum of 5 years for SC or ST candidates.
- The maximum period of 3 years for OBC candidates.
- Duration of 5 years for a candidate from the State of Jammu & Kashmir maximum five years for the Defence Services personnel up to 5 years for the Ex-servicemen are Commissioned, officers.
- The ECOs or SSCOs have rendered at least five years of Military Service and have been released.
- The maximum term of 5 years for ECOs or SSCOs has completed a starting period of five years of Military Service assignment maximum duration of 10 years for Blind, deaf-mute, and Orthopaedically disabled persons.
5. The number of attempts
Restriction on the maximum number of attempts that is effective since the year 1984:
- For General Candidates: 6 attempts that are Up to 32 Years
- The Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Candidates that is SC or ST: No Limits that is Up to 37 Years
- Other Backward Classes that are OBC: 9 attempts that are Up to 35 Years
- The Physically handicapped- 9 attempts for the general and OBC. while unlimited for the SC or ST
The Roles and Responsibilities
To fulfill the duties on border responsibilities in the areas of maintenance of public peace and order, crime prevention, investigation and finding, collecting intelligence reports, taking care of VIP security, counter-terrorism, border patrolling, railway policing. It is working towards preventing smuggling, drug trafficking, economic offenses, corruption. It plays a pivotal role in disaster management, enforcement of the socio-economic legislation, bio-diversity and defending environmental laws, etc. Exchanging information with the Indian Intelligence Agencies like R&AW, IB, CID, CBI
It is leading the Central Armed Police Force that is CRPF being in touch with them regularly to interact and coordinate with the Indian Revenue Services that is IRS. Indian Armed forces, primarily with the Indian Army, serve the country’s people with complete integrity, honesty, and wholehearted dedication.
The Civil Service Examination Pattern
The pattern of Civil services examination has the design to test the academic expertise—the ability to present themselves systematically and logically. The examination pattern intends to evaluate the overall intellectual characteristic and also the understanding level of the candidates. UPSC Civil Services Exam 2021 is conducting in two stages like Prelims and Mains. An interview then follows these.
The Scheme and subjects for Preliminary and Main Examinations year of 2020 are as follows:
1. Preliminary Examination that is 400 Marks
It is also called Civil Services Aptitude Test that is CSAT. It is a standard test for all applicants. Prelims consist of two papers of 200 marks each both the question papers are of the objective type that should be in multiple-choice questions of two hours each. Question papers will be set in both the languages like Hindi and English. However, it would provide English Language Comprehension skills. The Blind candidates would be allowed an extra 20 minutes for each paper
2. Main Examination that is containing 2025 Marks
The Candidates who qualify Preliminary exam are called for the Main exam. Based on marks secured in the Main exam. I will call them to interview the main exam’s total characters and interview sum up to produce the final result.
Note: Candidates will choose any one of the optional subjects from amongst the list of subjects mentioned below:
For the Santhali language, the question paper will be printed in the Devanagari script, but candidates will be free to answer either in the Devanagari script or in Olchiki.
The Union Public Service Commission Syllabus
The Union Public Service Commission is UPSC. The Civil Services Exam Syllabus is divided into three categories, namely Preliminary, Mains and Interview.
The Preliminary syllabus is mainly designed to evaluate current affairs’ Comprehension—the aptitude within the specified time. The preliminary paper is compulsory and also a qualifying paper.
The Mains syllabus is designed to judge a candidate’s academic expertise in his or her specialized subject. The syllabus also focuses on testing aspirants’ abilities to present the knowledge clearly and logically.
The main examination has nine papers. The syllabus is designing according to the subjects specified. The Preliminary and Mains syllabus is intended for the written test. The Candidates who emerge triumphant in the Preliminary and Main examination. They can appear for the interview.
The IAS Prelims Syllabus
The UPSC conducts the Civil Services Examination that is CSE to shortlist the candidates for various posts like IAS, IPS, and IFS. The Preliminary Examination is the first round of the selection process. Candidates should appear for two general studies papers of the Civil Services that is Preliminary Examination. They should note that the General Studies Paper-II is also known as Civil Services Aptitude Test, CSAT. It is a qualifying paper with minimum qualifying marks fixed at 33%.
IAS Prelims Syllabus For the General Studies Paper 1 current events of national and international importance. The History of India and Indian National Movement, The books on Indian and World Geography-Physical, Social, Economic Geography of India and the World, The Indian Polity and Governance-Constitution, Political System, Panchayati Raj, Public Policy, Rights Issues, etc.
Economic and Social Development-Sustainable Development, Poverty, Inclusion, Demographics, Social Sector Initiatives, etc., are the General issues on Environmental ecology, Bio-diversity, and Climate Change that do not require any subject specialization.
The General Science
IAS Prelims Syllabus For the General Studies Paper 2
- Comprehension
- Interpersonal skills are communication skills, Logical reasoning, and analytical ability.
- Decision-making and problem-solving. General mental ability.
- Basic numeracy has numbers, and their relations, orders of magnitude, with Class X level, Data interpretation charts, graphs, tables, data sufficiency are for the Class X level.
IAS Mains Syllabus
The Commission will release the list of the candidates. Those are shortlisted for the Civil Services Main Exam, which is based on merit and reservation. Around 12 to13 times, will shortlist the total number of vacancies to take the Main Exam. Candidates should understand that the Main Exam is a significant phase in the IAS selection procedure. This phase tests the candidates on the various subjects. The Main Exam consists of nine conventional, that is, descriptive papers. Out of which two are qualifying.
IAS Mains Syllabus – Indian Language and English
The paper aims to test the candidate’s candidates ability to read and understand the serious digressing from subject to subject prose to express his ideas clearly and correctly in the English and Indian language.
The patterns of questions will be broad as follows:
- The Comprehension of given passages
- The Precis Writing Usage and also Vocabulary Short Essays
- The Indian Languages Comprehension of given passages
- The Precis Writing Usage and Vocabulary Short Essays translate from English to the Indian Language and vice-versa.
Note: Syllabus for Indian Language and English is of enrollment or in the equivalent standard. These papers are of qualifying nature, and also marks obtained will not be counted for the final merit. Candidates should answer the English and Indian Languages papers in English. The respective Indian language is except where the translation is involved.
IAS Mains Essay – Paper-I
The candidates should write essays on multiple topics. They will be expected to keep close to the essay’s subject to arrange their ideas in an orderly fashion to write concisely will give credit for the effective and exact expression.
The IAS Mains General Studies-I Syllabus – Indian Heritage and Culture, History and Geography of the World and Society, Indian Heritage: Indian culture will cover the salient aspects of Art Forms, literature, and Architecture from ancient to modern times; the Modern Indian History: Modern Indian history from about the middle of the eighteenth century.
Until the present significant events, personalities, and issues. The Freedom Struggle its various stages and significant contributors or contributions. From the different parts of the country. Post-independence action and reorganization within the country.
World History: The world’s history will include events from the 18th century like the industrial revolution, world wars, redrawing of national boundaries, colonization, decolonization, political philosophies like communism, capitalism, socialism, etc. Their forms and effect on society.
The Indian Society: Noticeable features of Indian Society, Diversity of India. Role of women and women’s organization, population and associated issues, poverty and developmental issues, urbanization, their problems, and their remedies. The Effects of globalization on the Indian society. Social empowerment, communalism, regionalism, and secularism.
Geography: Salient features of the world’s physical geography distribution of vital natural resources worldwide that are including South Asia and the Indian sub-continent. The factors responsible for the location of primary, secondary, and tertiary sector industries in the various parts of the world are India.
Important Geophysical facts like earthquakes, Tsunami, Volcanic activity, cyclones, etc., geographical features. Their location changes in critical geographical features that are water-bodies and ice-caps. The flora and fauna and the effects of such changes.
The IAS Mains General Studies-II Syllabus – Governance, Constitution, Polity, Social Justice and also International Relations
The Indian Constitution: Historical set of ideas, evolution, features, amendments, significant provisions, and basic structure. The Functions and responsibilities of the Union and the States, issues. The challenges are appropriate to the federal system, devolution of powers and finances up to the local levels, and challenges therein.
The Indian Polity: Separation of powers between various organs dispute remedy mechanisms and institutions. Comparison of the Indian constitutional scheme with that of the other countries. The Parliament and State legislatures—Structure, functioning, business, powers & privileges, and issues arising out of these.
The structure, organization, and functioning of the Executive and the Judiciary—Ministries and Departments of the Government. The pressure groups and formal or informal associations. Their Role in the polity. The Salient features of the Representation of People’s Act. Appointment to various Constitutional posts, powers, functions, and also the responsibilities of different Constitutional Bodies. Statutory, regulatory, and various quasi-judicial bodies.
The Social Justice: Government policies and combination of program elements for development in various sectors. The issues arising out of their design and implementation. Development processes and the development industry. The Role of NGOs, SHGs, different groups and associations, donors, charities, institutional and other stakeholders.
The Welfare schemes for emotional sections of the population by the Centre and States and the performance of these schemes, mechanisms, laws, institutions, and Bodies constituted the protection and betterment of these vulnerable sections issues relating to the development and management of the Social Sector. Services relating to Health, Education, Human Resources issues that are connecting to poverty and hunger.
The Indian Governance: Important aspects of governance, transparency and accountability, e-governance applications, models, successes, limitations, and potential citizens charters, transparency & accountability, and institutional and other measures of civil services in a democracy.
The International Relations: India and its neighborhood- relations. Bilateral, regional, and global groupings and agreements that are involving India. Affecting India’s interests. Effect of developed and developing countries’ policies and politics on India’s interests and Indian to scatter about Important International institutions, agencies, and the public place to meet and discuss the structure and mandate.
The UPSC Question Paper that is for Prelims & Main
The Union Public Services Commission that is UPSC conducts exams for the citizens. Every year to bring about them into the civil services of the country to get into the UPSC. The candidates must take up the respective exam for the particular area of specialization in UPSC that they are looking for and to clear it usually. The exam is divided into two parts.
First, a preliminary exam with an objective-type question is conducted. Here, a good number of candidates are filtered. The main exam comprising of essay-type questions for the eligible candidates is also performed after which, candidates will be selected based on an interview.
The Union Public Services Commission Prelims Question Papers
Preliminary examination of UPSC is for screening purposes; only the marks obtained in the UPSC prelims examination will qualify to take the UPSC Main examination. It will not count for determining their final order of merit. The preliminary examination consists of 2 papers with objective-type questions.
Both the papers carry 200 marks each, and it also serves as a screening test only.
CSAT is the Paper-II of the Preliminary Exam. The candidate will have to score a minimum of 33% of marks for qualifying in Mains for writing.
The Paper-I of prelims is mainly the current affairs. At the same time, Paper-II or CSAT is for an aptitude test.
Note: Candidate qualify for mains in a particular year candidates will be eligible to appear for that specific year’s main exams only.
The passing percentage of exams is significantly less due to the difficulty level and the civil services positions’ seriousness. The Union, Public Services Commission, is conducted to recruit officers into the following posts like IAS, IFS, CDS, IPS, IAAS, IRTS, IDAS, IRS, ITS, and IRAS departments.
Extensive preparation for this exam is mandatory to crack it. General Knowledge is the main requirement. To test oneself before appearing for the ips exam.
It is the best method to increase the candidate’s confidence level before appearing for it. It can do it through practicing on the previous year’s question papers. Careerindia publishes it. Old question papers also help the candidates to identify the importance. They frequently asked questions and give them good practice for their aptitude and knowledge.
The last few months before the exams, it is sufficient for the candidates to keep practicing on these questions to gain mastery over the subjects studied. Not only the candidate’s confidence level. But also their scores will show a good improvement upon following it.
It is vital information on the IPS Exam topic, Eligibility for ips exam, Age Limit, Syllabus & Preparation. Here I have mentioned its full explanation of this exam. This exam is based on the government process. So a lot of concentration and studies are required for this kind of exam. Most of the candidates are applying for this post to clear exams.
If Queries or Questions is persisting then, please feel free to comment on the viewpoints.
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