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How Old is Eri: What is Eri’s Date of Birth



Eri was born on December 21, however we don’t know when year she was born because My Hero Academia doesn’t always follow the real-world calendar.

She is six years old when we first encounter her in the series, and she is now seven years old with the passage of time.

We’ll go over everything about Eri and her age in this piece. You’ll learn everything you need to know about one of My Hero Academia’s cutest characters, including her birthdate and how old she was at various points throughout the series.

When does Eri celebrate her birthday?

Eri was born on December 21, according to official records. We don’t know the precise year she was born because the show’s calendar isn’t known, thus we don’t have a reference point.

The play appears to be based on a real-life calendar, although the year in which it takes place is unknown.

Eri’s Age: How Old Is She?

Eri is a character that appeared late in the narrative but has had a significant impact both in the universe and among the fandom. Let’s take a quick look at her background before we get to the important questions.

Eri is the granddaughter of the Yakuza’s eight precepts of death’s former leader.

Her mother began to believe Eri cursed and entrusted her to her grandfather after she accidently used her Quirk on her father, causing him to regress until he vanished; because this ability was unlike either of her parents, she began to think Eri cursed and entrusted her to her grandfather.

He asked his protégé, Kai Chisaki, to conduct study on Eri’s Quirk so that she could make friends with individuals who had her skills, something she found challenging.

When his grandfather’s condition progressed to the point where he was confined to his bed, Chisaki began experimenting on Eri and discovered that if the girl’s blood curled into another creature, the latter’s Quirk would cease to appear.

Chisaki used her Quirk to make bullets that contained Eri’s blood and began selling them to the underworld, as well as a special sort of ammunition that permanently removed the Quirk. Eri tried multiple times to flee the torture, but she was always recaptured, and she eventually accepted her fate.

Eri eventually eludes the Eight Precepts of Death’s observation and flees through an alley, pursued by Chisaki; entirely improvising, the girl meets Izuku Midoriya and Mirio Togata. Despite Chisaki’s explanation that Eri was merely throwing a minor tantrum, Izuku quickly concludes that the man is lying because Eri appears to be terrified.

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