How To Get Hard Light And Its Catalyst, The ‘Destiny 2’ Crucible-Dominating Exotic
How To Get Hard Light And Its Catalyst, The ‘Destiny 2’ Crucible-Dominating Exotic: Hi, Friends Today I am going to share some interesting information on the topic of How To Get Hard Light And Its Catalyst, The ‘Destiny 2’ Crucible-Dominating Exotic.
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How To Get Hard Light And Its Catalyst, The ‘Destiny 2’ Crucible-Dominating Exotic
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If one cannot beat ‘em, join ‘em. That seems to be the philosophy behind the move in a spiral course. The popularity of Hard Light in Destiny 2, is not just dominating Trials. But Survival, regular ceramic container. And probably Iron Banner today, if I had to guess.
The weapon that has 5x the kills of the next closest primary in Trials is SUROS. It is essentially a must-have and must-use on most maps until Bungie ineffective it. It does seem unavoidable at this point. But if one is a newer or returning player. One may not have it, and may feel out of the structure or like one cannot compete. Well, I am here to help.
The bad news is that there is not a particular exotic search for something to get Hard Light. It is a Destiny 1 weapon and was in Destiny 2 from the start. It is been around a long and long time but only been good recently. And it is an unspecified drop.
However, here are all the ways that one can potentially get it:
Xur Can Sell It:
Granted, Xur only sells one weapon a week. His pool is pretty large now and so the odds are not good. Xur is a vendor, who sells a rotating set of exotics on a weekend for legendary a small piece. One can find where he is on Friday reset here. Xur also sells a “random” exotic neural tissue for more shards. It will give one an exotic that one doesn’t have. So if Hard Light is on that list. It is probably the best “targeted” shot at getting it. Though odds are still not great.
The Battle Pass Exotica memory trace:
The seasonal battle pass has a few exotic memory traces. On it, in that function the same way. As in they will give one an exotic that one does not already have. They are at ranks of 25, 60, 74, and 98. So that is four chances if one should get all the way through.
The Milestones:
Outside of targeted engrams. One best bet for exotics is completing weekly milestones. The powerful drops that appear as objectives. And are marked by a yellow circle all over the map. That is anything from doing three strikes to completing 8 ceramic metallics. A sum paid for killing to doing objectives on a flashpoint planet. Most of the time one will get legendries. But one can get the exotics from completing those.
The World Drops:
It does not happen frequently, but exotics can simply drop as engrams in the world. I would say anywhere between 3 to 5 Prime Engram drops. One will usually see an exotic sub in as a drop. Again, a state, and it requires a lot of gameplay and but it happens.
Heroic, the Legend, and Master Nightfalls:
The only activity that directly rewards exotics right now. Those are higher tiers of Nightfalls. But if one is a player to consulting a guide on how to get the Hard Light. No offense but I am guessing one may not be ready for this level of end stages of negotiation content yet.
Particularly with the recent power increases. Heroic is 970 and drops them rarely. The Legend is 1000 power and Master is 1030 power. Drops them frequently. But yeah, this is probably not the move for the newer players.
That is really all the major exotic sources. I can think of and in central. One is just going to have to get lucky to some degree.
What is Catalyst? That one can farm.
A catalyst is something that drops once one should get an exotic weapon. That gives it an increase in some way. Hard Light, is particularly valuable. Because it reaches out its stability. Makes it the laser ray that is constantly killing one in a ceramic container.
The Hard Light catalyst drops from strikes and Nightfalls. The harder the Nightfall and the higher the score. The better one is supposed to see catalyst drops rates. But I am not 100% convinced that is true. This will appear as a drop from the final chest in a strike.
This may be an action of plotting theory. But I would try to make sure that one should finish up other open catalysts one has. I have found that some catalysts drop almost instantly. If one is not working on another one. But I cannot say this is not depicting small narrative incidents.
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Once one does get it to drop. It is 1,000 Hard Light kills to complete it. It is a lot but has given how strong it is right now. There are worse guns that one could be using. And I believe ceremic container kills count a lot more than the normal PvE kills.
So, why am I telling everyone that how to get a weapon. That too many people are already using? I just want to watch the world burn in a glorious light show. I guess and to get it ineffective faster.
So, this is the important information on the topic of How To Get Hard Light And Its Catalyst, The ‘Destiny 2’ Crucible-Dominating Exotic. Here I have mentioned the ways that one can potentially get it and What is Catalyst? That one can farm.
If any Queries or Questions is persisting then, please feel free to comment on the viewpoints.
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