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GO PAPERLESS WITH DOCUMENT SCANNING AND STORAGE: The evolutions of computer and digitalization have made life easier for us in every possible way.  Before the massive change, every office used to be cluttered with huge numbers of files. Moreover, the file cabinets for storing those documents used to take ample space of the offices. The only way to get hands-on any documents was to search through a lot of papers and waste precious time and energy.


Thanks to modern technology, those days are long gone when one needs to go through a pile of papers to find any particular document. Other than saving time and energy, the concepts of document scanning and storing are fully responsible for helping the environment. The term “going green” is appropriate when switching to a paperless office

When many offices have already embraced the changes in ‘going paperless,’ some companies are still hesitant to make the change.  Getting rid of all paper documents of an office and converting them into digital documents sound daunting. Yes, it is also true that shifting to a completely unknown system can disrupt the workflow. However, knowing the benefits of going completely paperless are enough reasons to change your mind. 

Before going into the benefits, let’s find out how the document scanning and storing work.

Document Scanning and Storing

The most vital thing to understand here is how the document scanning process works. It is not like that you need to hire an employee and get him engaged in the indexing process of the digital documents, and he continues to do the same for the next two years. There are scanning software and high-speed scanners widely available to make your work simple and straight-forward. Advanced technologies like optical character recognition are there to make sure no errors are present in the scanned documents. The neat scanner is one of the popular scanning systems; however, if you want to excel at the scanning consider going for a neat alternative

The storage process is quite straight-forward too. Either the scanned documents get stored in the server present at the office or in the cloud. Since cloud computing is widespread and less costly, it is recommended that you can consider going for cloud storage.

Other than any paper documents, any digital documents can also be scanned and stored for future use. So, e-mails, any software-generated result, invoice—everything gets scanned and stored securely.

Benefits to the Business

It is already mentioned earlier that “Going Paperless” means you are taking a step forward in helping the environment. When you are entirely reducing the use of paper, then obviously there’s no need to buy paper and no need to install several cabinets in your office. However, these are not the primary benefits of moving into a paperless office. The primary benefits an organization can have are improved workflow and better productivity.

File Format

When files are stored digitally, then an employee gets the flexibility to save the file in different formats for future use. Watch this video and get idea about different file formats. This boosts employees’ productivity. The employees can access documents faster, and in multiple different formats, they need. They don’t need to get up from their desk to get any job done—which means less wastage of energy and time.

Plus getting hands-on documents within moments also helps the employees to give their best at work, and they can justify their talents.

The indexing feature also lets the employees get the files with just a keyword search, which was never possible while completing work with paper documents.

Sharing and Collaborating

Sharing and collaborating has a different meaning in the past. Passing on paper documents means getting up from the seat and roam around the office to get a single job done. Plus it was very time consuming when you need to get the client’s approval. Previously, all the necessary paper documents required to be sent physically by the courier company and wait for the approval. Not just time, one had to bear the physical shipping cost too. With the help of document scanning and storing, the documents are handled electronically, so it is more convenient to share files between colleagues or clients via e-mails or any other data transferring process. The transferring process is much quicker than the traditional one and also saves the courier charges.

Automating Workflow

Other than scanning and storing, the digital data management system can also help you in automating the workflow of your office. Repetitive tasks like documents scanning and uploading, generating results, checking for any errors can all be programmed in digital document solution. Plus it can notify you to work on pending approvals or any bill due.

Secured Storage

One of the significant concerns of any organization is how to keep their confidential documents safe. The data breach is always on the news almost every day. Securing paper documents is practically an impossible task. The paper documents or records can get stolen, modified or ruined by natural disaster or accidents like flood or fire.

On the other hand, digital documents are never stored physically so that no harm can happen to digital records due to any natural disaster. Plus digital documents can be secured by using passwords and other security measures. The hierarchy of the folders can be set in such a way, so, only authorized persons can get access to some files, whereas the others cannot. Some cloud system also comes with extra robust security, which makes it impossible for hackers to penetrate the system and get hands-on data. You need to find out an expert and trustworthy software provider to avail the benefits of going paperless with document scanning and storage.

While summing up, it is quite clear that going paperless has many benefits that can help a company to outgrow. As technology is getting updated, some more benefits are most likely to get added soon. Make the most of it by “going paperless” because digitalization is the future.