Major Crimes cast is a spinoff of TNT’s popular crime drama series The Closer, airing from 2005-2012. The show follows the cases of Major Crimes Division...
The Guest cast refers to actors who appear for only limited episodes or scenes in a television program or movie, typically as minor supporting characters. Guest...
The Closer Cast: Kyra Sedgwick starred as Brenda Leigh Johnson of the Los Angeles Police Department’s Priority Homicide Division from 2005 to 2012. This series ran...
Dubai Bling is a new reality show on Netflix that follows the lives of a group of wealthy and glamorous friends living in Dubai. The show...
Cast of Monster in Law: Monster-in-Law is a 2005 comedy film starring Jennifer Lopez, Jane Fonda and Michael Vartan1. Lopez stars as Charlotte “Charlie” Cantillini who...
The Cast of Boondocks is an animated series created by Aaron McGruder based on his comic strip of the same name. The series chronicles Huey and...