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El Chapo’s Wife Sentenced to 3 Years in Prison



Claudia Coronel, the wife of El Chapo’s Mexican drug lord, pleaded guilty for helping to evade arrest in a money laundering case.

In addition, she is accused of helping to build an escape tunnel so that authorities in Mexico and the United States could not capture her.

But her lawyer called the claims that she was involved in illegal drug-related activities “garbage.”

Coronel’s lawyer called the allegations of her cooperation with the government garbage

Emma Coronel Aispuro is the wife of Joaquin El Chapo Guzman. She pleaded guilty at trial to three federal offenses, including conspiracy to participate in drug trafficking international and money laundering.

According to prosecutors, Coronel worked as an emissary for her husband, the former leader of the Sinaloa Cartel, and helped him run a criminal empire.

Coronel was also ordered to act as a courier, help him move drugs, and orchestrate his escape from prison.

Coronel was detained after El Chapo captured her and she was extradited to America in January 2017. While in custody, she was given a light sentence.

Coronel was instrumental in organizing the construction of an escape tunnel.

Joaquin Guzman, a former lieutenant of Sinaloa Cartel leader Joaquin Guzman, is being accused of participating in an egregious prison escape.

According to the prosecution, Coronel is a former Californian who helped coordinate construction of the underground tunnel.

Federal prosecutors have alleged that Coronel was involved in two plots designed to assist Guzman get out of Mexico.

Coronel also assisted the cartel in laundering narcotics proceeds. Coronel, if convicted could spend up to 10 years prison.

Guzman, a Mexican drug lord, escaped from prison in Mexico in 2015. He was captured later that same year. He was sentenced to life in prison. The trial of his client has continued for three months in New York.

Coronel’s involvement in Guzman’s illicit operations

Coronel Barreras is the third or possibly fourth wife of convicted Mexican drug lord Joaquin Guzman. Her involvement in planning his escape from Altiplano Mexican prison is what she’s accused of.

This is her latest accusation against the Guzman clan. For years the Sinaloa drug gang has been in hot scrutiny. The wives of drug lords have been rarely sought by law enforcement in the past.

A former beauty queen, Coronel met her husband at a dance when she was 17. She married him soon after. Together they have had two children. Coronel was also known as “La Reinita”, or “Little Queen” to her fellow narcos. She is a pioneer in drug trafficking.

Coronel plead guilty to conspiracy for money laundering

Emma Coronel Aispuro is the wife of Joaquin Guzman. He’s also known by his nickname “El Chapo”. She pleaded guilty in New York to drug-related charges. Also, she admitted aiding in her husband’s escape from Mexican prison.

Emma Coronel Aispuro was taken into police custody in February, shortly after she arrived at Dulles International Airport. The woman is a dual citizen of Mexico and the U.S. Jeffrey Lichtman Jeffrey Lichtman is her attorney. He said that they met in Mexico as teenagers.

Coronel, believed to be Guzmans’ third wife, was arrested for participating in Guzman escaping from a Mexican prison.

Coronel was charged with paying $2 million to Altiplano to Guzman in exchange for her husband’s release from prison. Altiplano was the Mexican prison Guzman had escaped from last year.

Coronel’s role in helping to evade capture by American or Mexican authorities

Emma Coronel Aispuro, also known as Emma Coronel Aispuro, was responsible for Joaquin ‘El Chapo’ Guzman’s escape form the Mexican prisons.

His extradition to America was actually due to her involvement. It is likely that she will appear before a Washington court on Thursday.

El Chapo is also known by Joaquin Guzman Loera as the leader of Mexico’s Sinaloa cartel. Since its inception, the cartel has had a history of ties to the US. It was involved with drug trafficking operations.

Coronel is believed to have played a crucial role in Guzman’s 2015 escape. The escape came in the wake of the Mexican government losing custody of the drug kingpin for the second time.

Coronel is in possible danger if Coronel returns to Mexico.

Emma Coronel Aispuro is the wife of Mexican drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman. She has a dual citizenship in the United States and Mexico. The couple have two young daughters.

When the cartel leader was arrested in September 2016, Emma Coronel was on the outside. She was arrested at the Dulles International Airport near Washington, DC.

Coronel was accused of conspiring in order to distribute drugs in America. Her sentence was three years. In exchange she agreed to take full responsibility immediately following her arrest.

The prosecution claimed Coronel was the one who helped her husband maintain the Sinaloa Cartel. According to them, she was aware of drug trafficking routes and the top leadership of the Sinaloa Cartel.