Home News World Confederate Statues: Why Confederate Statues Should be Removed

Confederate Statues: Why Confederate Statues Should be Removed

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Confederate statues :

Confederate Statues
Confederate Statues

A complete list of the 120 House Republicans who voted against removing Confederate monuments can be seen here.

The House of Representatives has decided to remove all Confederate statues from the Capitol grounds. The bill was approved by a vote of 285 to 120.

Representatives from the Republican Party, of which there are presently 211, voted against the bill. As expected, dozens of Republicans voted in favour of the bill, with 67 voting yes.

Every Democratic member who voted in favour of the bill, with the exception of two, voted no.

Former Vice President John Cadlwell Calhoun, former Arkansas Governor James Paul Clarke, and former Confederate States of America President Jefferson Davis are among those whose statues have been suggested for removal.

A bust of Roger Taney, the Supreme Court judge who penned the infamous Dred Scott v. Sanford verdict, which barred Black Americans from becoming citizens, would be replaced with a bust of Thurgood Marshall, the first Black Supreme Court justice, under the plan.

“Today, the House took a position against injustice and delivered a message to the American people that symbols of slavery, segregation, and treason are not welcome in the halls of Congress,” House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, a Democrat, said in a statement after the vote.

“It gives me great pleasure to see our bill to ban hate speech pass the House. Even if we can’t undo the past, we can endeavour to uphold the values on which our country was founded: justice and equality for all,” Hoyer added.

“Slavery and segregation symbols are offensive to our Capitol and have no place here.” Individuals who fought to codify or perpetuate African Americans’ enslavement or prevent them from gaining full and equal rights in our country are unworthy of being recognised in our society.”

Several Republican members of Congress slammed the action as “cancel culture” and Democrats pushing Critical Race Theory.

The Republican House Minority Leader, Kevin McCarthy, was one of 67 Republicans who voted in favour of removing the sculptures.

On the House floor, said he backed the bill, but that the action was an example of Democrats seeking to replace “past racism with critical race theory hatred.”

“Critical Race Theory is the guiding ideology of the Biden administration as a whole.” Democrats continue to foster hatred and division across the country by advocating for it,” he said.

“The South lost, and our Union is strong today,” Republican Matt Rosendale of Montana, who voted against the bill, said. “The historic success of our constitutional government in the Civil War over slavery and secession should be honoured.”

“Unfortunately, Democrats have decided to destroy statues that highlight the shortcomings of our pre-1861 Constitution, motivated by Critical Race Theory conceptions of structural racism, microaggressions, and a United States based primarily on white supremacy.”

Make no mistake: those who conquered the West and George Washington are the ones who will come next.”

Mo Brooks of Alabama, a fellow Republican, denounced H.R. 3005 as a bill by “intolerant Socialist Democrats” attempting to remove “undesirable” statues.

“Cancel culture and historical revisionism are forerunners to dictatorial government and the destruction of individual liberty and freedom by elitists who claim to know more than ordinary citizens and, as a result, should be empowered to dictate what ordinary citizens can and cannot think or do,” Brooks said.

House Republicans who voted against removing Confederate statues

House Republicans who voted against removing Confederate statues are listed below.

  • Alabama’s Robert Aderholt
  • Georgia’s Rick Allen
  • Kelly Armstrong is a member of the Armstrong family. North
  • Dakota is a state in North America.
  • Brian Babin is a writer and a musician.
  • Texas Indiana’s Jim Baird
  • Kentucky’s Andy Barr
  • Michigan’s Jack Bergman
  • Oklahoma’s Stephanie Bice
  • Arizona’s Andy Biggs
  • North Carolina’s Dan Bishop
  • Colorado’s Lauren Boebert
  • Illinois’ Mike Bost
  • Kevin Brady is the quarterback for the New England Patriots.
  • Alabama’s Mo Brooks
  • Buchanan, Vern Florida
  • Colorado’s Ken Buck
  • Bucshon, Larry Indiana
  • Ted Budd is a well-known author. North Carolina is a state in the United States.
  • Tennessee’s Tim Burchett
  • Florida’s Kat Cammack
  • Alabama’s Jerry Carl
  • John Carter is a fictional character. Texas
  • Madison Cawthorn is a character in the film Madison Cawthorn.
  • North Carolina is a state in the United States.
  • Virginia’s Ben Cline
  • Georgia’s Andrew Clyde
  • Oklahoma’s Tom Cole
  • Kentucky’s James Comer
  • Crawford, Rick Arkansas
  • Curtis, John Utah
  • DesJarlais, Scott Tennessee
  • Bryon Donalds, Bryon Donalds, Bryon Donalds, B Florida
  • Duncan, Jeff South Carolina is a state in the United States.
  • Dunn, Neal Florida
  • Ron Estes is a writer and a musician. Kansas
  • Pat Fallon is a television host. Texas
  • Randy Feenstra is a writer who lives in the United States.
  • IowaGeorgia’s Drew Ferguson
  • Minnesotan Michelle Fischbach
  • Wisconsin’s Scott Fitzgerald
  • Chuck Fleischmann is a writer who lives in New York City.
  • TennesseeFlorida’s Scott Franklin
  • Matt Gaetz is a writer in the United States.
  • FloridaGooden, Lance Texas
  • Gosar, Paul Arizona
  • Kay Granger is a well-known author.
  • TexasGarret Graves, Garret Graves, Garret Graves, Louisiana
    Missouri’s Sam Graves
  • Tennessee’s Mark Green
  • Greene, Marjorie Taylor Georgia
  • Virginia Morgan Griffith
  • Wisconsin’s Glenn Grothman
  • Minnesotan Jim Hagedorn
  • Maryland’s Andy Harris

Diana Harshbarger is a writer who lives in New York City. Tennessee
Vicky Hartzler is a writer who lives in New York City. Missouri
Kevin Hern is from Oklahoma.

Rouzer, David North Carolina is a state in the United States.

South Carolina’s Joe Wilson
Virginia’s Rob Wittman
Arkansas’ Steve Womack
New York’s Lee Zeldin

Correction: This page has been amended to correct the entry for Michael Turner as on 06/30/21, 8.16 a.m. ET.

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