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COMPUTER Full Form: And About all Details



COMPUTER Full Form: The complete form or definition of COMPUTER is a Common Operating Machine (COMPUTER) that is utilized for technological and educational research.

A computer, by the way, is the name of electrical equipment, not an abbreviation.

A computer is a simple machine that we can program to do a wide range of logical and mathematical functions, and it follows our instructions to complete our tasks.

COMPUTER Full Form and Its Information

In simple terms, a computer is an electrical device that facilitates human work, and any computer that has been programmed to execute a specific task or group of tasks does so swiftly and accurately.

People often wish to know the entire form of a computer because it is not an Indian word, and many people consider a common operating system for technical and educational study as a full form of computer.

Charles Babbage is renowned as the “Father of Computers” because, in 1830, he devised the idea for the analytical engine, which eventually became known as the computer.

What is the definition of a computer ?

A computer is an electronic gadget that follows predetermined instructions to conduct our daily duties.

The computer is capable of storing data, making appropriate adjustments, and then re-delivering it on demand.

Many of our daily tasks, such as composing a document, playing games, sending emails, and browsing the web, are now performed using computers.

You’ll be shocked to learn that our mobile phone has evolved into a minicomputer, which explains why it can now perform several of our vital duties concurrently.

Computers are utilized everywhere, whether in a factory, college, electrical department, or our car, which is why our cars and new plants are becoming smart.

Along with it, the demand for various computer-related courses at various levels, such as computer science engineering, IT, BCA, COPA, and so on, is growing.

Important Computer Components

A computer is made up of many fundamental components that can be divided into two groups: hardware and software.

Hardware –

Computer hardware refers to all of the physical components of a computer, such as a keyboard, mouse, and display.

Motherboard –

It is one of a computer’s most crucial lessons, and the computer’s CPU is connected to the motherboard.

The motherboard also has a connector for connecting various sorts of input and output devices.

CPU/Processor –

The CPU, or central processing unit, is sometimes known as the computer’s brain or processor since it processes all of the data and produces the desired result.

Today, Intel processors are used in the majority of computers and laptops throughout the world, and Intel’s most sophisticated processor is the i9.


Everything we perform on the computer is saved in RAM at the time, and then the information is wiped when the computer is closed. RAM is also known as random access memory.

Hard disc drive

A hard drive is a component of a computer that allows us to save any necessary data indefinitely.

The computer’s operating system is also installed on this hard disc.

Components of a computer’s software

When it comes to the software components of a computer, the operating system is the most significant program. The operating system performs the necessary activities with the help of various types of hardware.

Aside from that, we can install any software we want on our computer, such as Microsoft Office, Microsoft Powerpoint, Photoshop, and so on.

The most well-known operating system is Microsoft Windows, which is installed on approximately 83 percent of all computers in the world; the second most well-known operating system is Apple’s Mac OS.

Computer evolution

When computers were first invented, they could only perform one task at a time; however, as technology has progressed, computers can now perform multiple tasks at once, and artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming more prevalent.

The slow evolution of computers can be divided into five parts:

  1. Vacuum tube computers (first-generation computers) (1940-1956).
  2. Computers of the second generation: transistor-based (1956-1963).
  3. Computers of the Third Generation: Integrated Circuits (1964-1971).
  4. Microprocessor-based computers (fourth generation) (1971- Present).
  5. Artificial Intelligence-based Fifth-Generation Computers: Present and Future (AI)

When computers first began to be made in the 1950s, they were enormous; the first vacuum-based computer was the size of a room and could only perform one task.

The majority of people nowadays utilize one of two types of computers: desktop or personal computer and laptop.

Because bringing computers anywhere is so convenient, many individuals now use them to complete their critical work.

Nonetheless, the computer is still widely employed in the office.

Computer Advantages

Because of the computer, our method of working has entirely altered nowadays. The following are some of the advantages of using a computer.

1. Multitasking

The most significant advantage of a computer is its ability to perform multiple tasks at once; today’s computer processes thousands of instructions per second.

2. Accuracy

Any computer will complete any task in accordance with the provided instructions and predetermined rules

3. Speed

Today’s powerful computer is capable of completing large tasks in a few seconds.

Some well-known computer manufacturers include:

  1.  HP
  2. Lenovo
  3. MI
  4. Acer
  5. DELL
  6. Apple
  7. HCL

Computer facts that are interesting and computer full form

  •  Did you know that more than 90% of the world’s currency is now stored on computers in the form of digital data?
  •  The first computer weighed 27 tonnes and is 18 square feet in size.
  •  Nowadays, most people refer to computers as PCs rather than computers. (Do you know what PC stands for in full? Leave a comment below.)

Most Important Full Forms Concerning Computers-

The computer is a highly essential topic, and we use a lot of acronyms on a daily basis, so let’s learn the full form of a few of them.

Full forms relating to computer memory or storage

  • KB stands for Kilobyte (this is the smallest storage unit)
  • MB stands for Mega Byte.
  • GB stands for Giga Byte.
  • TB stands for Tera Byte.
  • PB stands for Penta Byte.
  • EXA Byte is an acronym for EXA Byte, which stands for EXA Byte.
  • ZB stands for Zeta Byte.

Full forms for computer hardware

  • CPU stands for Central Processing Unit.
  • ROM stands for Read-Only Memory.
  • RAM stands for Random Access Memory.
  • Programmable Memory (Prom) Memory that can only be read
  • FDD stands for floppy disc drive.
  • HDD stands for the hard disc drive.
  • Compact Disk (CD)
  • The DVD stands for Digital Video Disk.
  • BIOS (Basic Input Output System) is an acronym for Basic Input Output System.
  • Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS)
  • VDU stands for Visual Display Unit.
  • LED stands for Light Emitting Diode.
  • Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) is a type of display that uses liquid crystals to display information.
  • USB stands for Universal Serial Bus.
  • HDMI (High Definition Multimedia Interface) is a high-definition multimedia interface.
  • SSD stands for Solid State Drive.
  • VGA stands for Video Graphics Array.
  • Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS)
  • Portable Document Format (PDF)
  • NTFS stands for “New Technology File System.”
  • MMC stands for Multi-Media Card.

Full forms for computer software

  • OS stands for Operating System.
  • Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
  • Digital Visual Interface (DVI) is an acronym for Digital Visual Interface.

Full forms for computer courses

  • Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
  • Master of Computer Applications (MCA)
  • Diploma in Computer Applications (DCA)
  • ADCA is an abbreviation for Advanced Diploma in Computer Application.
  • IT stands for “Information Technology.”
  • COPA stands for Computer Operator/Programming Assistant.
  • Computer Science Engineering (CSE) is a term that refers to the study of computers.
  • DCE is an abbreviation for Diploma in Computer Engineering.

Full forms for computer networking

  • 2G stands for “second generation.”
  • 3G stands for the third generation.
  • 4G stands for the fourth generation.
  • 5G stands for the fifth generation.
  • WIFI stands for “Wireless Fidelity.”
  • WAN stands for Wide Area Network.
  • LLAN stands for “wireless local area network.”
  • DNS stands for Domain Name System.
  • HTML is an acronym for Hyper Text Markup Language.
  • IP stands for Internet Protocol.
  • Internet Service Provider (ISP) is a term that refers to a company that provides
  • VPS stands for Virtual Private Server.
  • Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
  • GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication) is an acronym for “Global System for Mobile Communication.”
  • Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) is the abbreviation for Code Division Multiple Access.
  • Subscriber Identity Module (SIM)
  • WWW stands for World Wide Web.
  • General Packet Radio Service (GPRS)
  • Full format computer file format
  • GIF is an acronym for Graphical Interchangeable Format.
  • MP3 stands for MPEG Audio Layer 3.
  • MP4-
  • HD stands for High Definition.
  • 4000 – 4000
  • UHD stands for Ultra High Definition.

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