Home Entertainment Chris Chan: Know About Her Biography & History

Chris Chan: Know About Her Biography & History

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Christine Weston Chandler is also known as Chris Chan. She was born in the year on February 24, 1982. She is a professionally American YouTuber, Musician, and Comic artist. She is an infamous trolling target, and also she is best known as the creator of the Sonichu comic series.

On Chris Chan’s Biography

Chris Chan
Chris Chan

In the year 1993, she legally changed her first name into a Christian. In 2016, I changed the title a second time to Christine after being transgender; her gender was also legal.

On the year March 17, 2000, Chris introduced Sonichu in a graphic design class. She wants to use Sonic the Hedgehog and Pikachu on a CD cover, which was not allowed for legal reasons. So she mixed features from Sonic and Pikachu to introduce a brand new role. The first Sonichu comic was released on the year March 24, 2005.

She also introduced a constant band called Christian and the Hedgehog Boys, and it featured characters from the Sonichu comic as band members. She released Her Two albums; one is Christian & the Hedgehog Boys in 2003 and Christian and the Hedgehog Boys COMEBACK! in the year 2009. The music was made by singing over already having pop songs and changing some of the lyrics.

Chris always believes that she is a goddess, and her followers are known as the Devotees of Chris Chan Sonichu. They think that will soon mix our reality and cartoon reality in a Dimensional Merge.

The History of Chris’s work

The Channel Sonichu

Chris’s original YouTube account was known as Sonichu. It was created in the year 2007. This channel mainly a combination of fanart and her appearances on the news. She deleted this channel on the year September 2007 after Encyclopedia Dramatica hacked it.

The Channel CChan6789

After closing out the Sonichu channel, Chris created a new medium called CChan6789 on September 18, 2008. This channel was left on the year March 30, 2009, to stop trolls from making fun of her. This channel is still up on YouTube today.

The Channel CChanSonichu

Christ returned to YouTube on the year April 9, 2009, with a brand new channel known as CChanSonichu. I also hacked it on the year June 5 of the same year. But Chris, in the end, got the account back and made three insulting videos that lead to the channel’s termination.

The Channel IBAChandler

Chris did not bother trying to get her previous channel back, and once again, she created a new track called IBAChandler on the year July 11, 2009. This channel’s name was dealing with being a pun on I be a Chandler.

The channel’s first video was called Rollin and Trollin, which was created to trick the trolls. By making and knowing them think that Chris was utterly different from how she gives herself online. The video inspired a troll, who would soon be known as Liquid Chris, to claim that he was the true Chris Chan.

The Channel ChristianWChandler

Chris once again created the ChristianWChandler channel on the year August 18, 2009. She stops Liquid Chris and makes it clear that she is the true Chris Chan. Not of the many videos were uploaded to this channel. But most of them were callout videos that are directed at the trolls. This channel still exists today.

The Channel of CwcvilleGuardian

His recent channel is called CwcvilleGuardian and created in the year 2012. But Chris did not post any videos on it till the year 2013. Initially, most of her videos on the channel were gameplay videos of Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros., Later on, she switched to making vlogs. In recent times, she mainly lives streams card games or teaches about the Dimensional Merge.

The Other channels of Chris

Channel ClydeGreggCashMays

ClydeGreggCashMays is another channel that created in the year on October 26, 2009. Not much more information is known about this channel, and I uploaded only four videos to this. The first three videos are making fun of a troll named Clyde Cash, and the final video was known as an apology for joking about the 9/11 incident.

The Channel Christine Chandler

The Christine Chandler channel was created in the year 2013 and was only used in the year 2016. It used it to upload a paid video requests, but CwcvilleGuardian was restricted from uploading videos. The channel has been left two weeks later once the restriction ended.

The Channel CwcvilleGuardian

CwcvilleGuardian is also a channel. It was created in the year 2013. I only used this channel to upload one video called Male Idiot tries to put out the fire and Sits There Someone.

These are the essential information on the topic, Chris Chan with her Biography, History, and some of her Channels.

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