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Procedure to Become an IAS Officer



Hello, Everyone Today I am going to share some interesting facts on The Procedure to Become an IAS Officer.

Many of the Candidates have dream of being an IPS officer since their childhood, but some couldn’t make their dream true because of Financial Problems or Other like some of their father is a business man he need their Son/Daughter to help to develop their skills.

So, sometimes many of their parents asked them that if they could go for it or not then they replied to go for it. Now in an upcoming generation some of the students really need to willing to join the camp to become an IPS officer.

For this today, many of the students have a question after completing their Graduation in different fields. The Exams are conducted by UNION PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION. There are so many questions arise like:

Procedure to Become an IAS Officer

what do they do for the future…?

what are the needs of becoming an officer…?

what stage should they reach to get that high spot of their target…?

hope every aspirant Candidates should give the right answer and help them to follow the steps of an IPS officer. There are some of the important Procedures to Become an IAS Officer. If you really feel that one of you fulfill the below mentioned eligibility criteria then you should apply for it.

The Eligibility to Become an IAS Officer

  1. One must have Bachelor Degree to Become an IAS Officer.
  2. The Degree must be from any Recognized University.
  3. The Age Limits of the Students is between 21 to 31 Years.
  4. For this the Student should be an Indian.
  5. For Becoming an IAS Officer, it is very essential to be Physically or Mentally Fit.

The Three Stages of Becoming an IAS

  1. Preliminary exam
  2. Mains
  3. Interview

Procedures of Becoming an IAS Exam

  1. So, the first and the foremost thing is the students should clear the Pre-exam and the Main Exam to become an IAS Officer.
  2. After clearing these Exams, one should have to face the Interview Process.
  3. After clearing the Interview process, one will be definitely posted on the IAS Officer post.

So, these are the Important and very Essential Points to have the Graduation process and then after the process of clearing the Exams and Finally after clearing these exams. One must face the Interview Process to become an IAS Officer.

Today Many of our Students have the Ability, Knowledge and of course the Degree to become an IAS Officer but have the problem of Financial crisis.

I think The Government should help such aspirant students to give the opportunities hold that post of becoming an IAS Officer. So, that the student’s future will shine. If any Queries or Questions persist please feel free to comment your view points.