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Randy’s Throwing Knife Medals




Here’s Why Your ‘Destiny 2’ Randy’s Throwing Knife Quest Is Taking So Long

Randy’s Throwing Knife Medals : In Season of the Undying that launched with Destiny 2: Shadowkeep, Bungie made a big change.

They were killing pinnacle weapons and replacing them with “ritual weapons,” which were not guns with new perks, but instead, curated rolls and perhaps unique archetypes, at best.

This was to avoid problems we’ve seen with past pinnacle weapons like NF/Luna’s, Recluse and Mountaintop dominating PvP or PvE activities and being a balance nightmare to this day.

So far, I am supremely underwhelmed with ritual weapons. I have both the Vanguard one, Edgewise, which is just a Machine Gun that isn’t as good as like three other types, despite its curated roll, and the Gambit one, Exit Strategy, which doesn’t seem to be outperforming my Trackless Waste or Pillager in the same slot.

And yet I heard good things about Randy’s Throwing Knife, the rapid fire scout rifle, which truly feels unique in the slot. So I’ve been going for it.

Man, it’s been a grind. got the other two a while ago, but despite doing literally nothing but using Scout Rifles in Crucible since day one, and playing Iron Banner and Comp non-stop all week, I am still not done.

I have finished my scout kills (finally), but I’m at 85% of my medals. It’s taken so long I had to Google whether something was up. And something appears to be up.

What we have here is a combination between poorly explained requirements and possibly, a few actual bugs working against us.

First, we have the Scout Rifle kills bar which must be filled to 100%.

The quest gives the qualifier “Multikills give the most efficient progress toward Scout Rifle final blows,” like it’s so easy to get multikills with scouts.

Past that, it’s very irritating that this is final blows at all, as Crucible encourages team-shooting, so you can do 90% of the damage to an enemy but miss the percentage if they’re popped by someone else.

But the worst offender of this quest is the requirement that simply says “Enemies defeated and medals” with another percentage bar.

A percentage bar that seems to go up in random intervals or not at all, no matter how many enemies I defeat or medals I’ve earned. Here’s what I’ve learned about this step:

Enemies defeated don’t matter at all, or if they do matter, it’s so minimal they alone will probably never move the bar.

Most medals do not count. I thought I would make progress on this quest faster with Iron Banner which has its own “pack” medals that appear more frequently than normal games.

I would also celebrate when I got things like “quick strike” medals and what not as I thought those were counting. They aren’t.

Rather, the only medals that seem to count are multikill medals, doubles, triples, etc.

Or medals that involve kills with the same weapon in a single life. These are the ones that actually get you progress.

As a result, I have been told that the best way to make progress here is to get Cold Fusion medals, aka two Fusion kills in one life, which will be 1% progress by itself.

Except I have seen firsthand that this medal is bugged. I have done this, even without reloading or weapon switching as many suggest, and not gotten a Cold Fusion medal when I should have. So this has not been helpful to me.

Similarly, there might be a bug where progress is just…stopped. I played about six comp games last night, won some, lost some, and made 0% progress past 84%.

I looked it up and some people seem to think that this quest just freezes progress randomly, and you can solve it by logging out and logging in and going again.

(Update: I was stuck at 84 for about eight games, then I discovered that A) I can make progress again and B) get Cold Fusion medals to actually appear by playing Rumble and Rumble only, I went up 6% in one game.)

In short, this quest is already something of a slog, but it’s even more of a slog than it initially appears to be because the requirements are in no way clearly listed, and some aspects of progression may just be flat-out bugged.

So if this is happening to you, no, you’re not alone. Alright, time to finish this last 16%…somehow.

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