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World Haemophilia Day 2018: All You Need To Know About The Disease



World Haemophilia Day 2018: All You Need To Know About The Disease: Hello, Everyone Today I am going to share some exciting facts on the World Haemophilia Day 2018 All you need to know about the disease.

World Haemophilia Day 2018: All You Need To Know About The Disease

Every year on the 17th of April, World Hemophilia Day is observing throughout the world to increase awareness about the disease and other inheriting bleeding disorders.

Started in the year 1989 through World Federation of Haemophilia, this particular day chose to honour Frank Schnabel, the founder of World Federation of Haemophilia, whose birthday falls on the same date.

The theme for this year’s World Haemophilia Day is ‘Sharing of Knowledge Makes Us Stronger’.

Haemophilia is a rare genetic blood disorder in which the blood loses its tendency to clot normally. Due to a lack of sufficient blood clotting proteins, Haemophilia patients bleeding for a more extending time after injuring.

In the condition, internal bleeding can damage organs and tissue and may be life-threatening. The number of people suffering from haemophilia is quite rare in the world.

Types of Haemophilia

There are of two types of the condition- Hemophilia A and Hemophilia B. Each of them is categorised with low levels of particular clotting factor.

Hemophilia A is a common type and is mainly associating with low levels of clotting factor VIII (8).

Hemophilia B is a rare condition and is the low linking level clot factor IX.

The only way to diagnose haemophilia is by a blood test. If the blood sample showing the level of clotting factor between VIII and IX, this means the person is suffering from the bleeding disorder.


Haemophilia is causing a genetic mutation. It is transmitting genes of parents and producing when antibodies forms in one’s own body destroy one of the genes that determine how the body makes blood clotting factor VIII or IX.


1. Spontaneous bleeding

2. Bleeding into muscles or joints

3. Prolonged bleeding after surgery or significant injury

4. Unusual bleeding after vaccination

5. Blood in toilets or stools

6. Unexplained nosebleeds

So, these are the points to describe on World Haemophilia Day 2018 All you need to know about the disease.

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