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Why is Picuki Not Working? : 4 Ways To Fix It [ Oct 2022 ]



Picuki and other apps make it easy to edit photos. Instagram users will find it easier to find the perfect image, as there are so many great images on the platform.

Picuki makes it easy to edit images right from your browser. Picuki is not always available in their browsers, however.

Picuki is not working. Is Picuki down? This is a question that many people ask on the internet. We’ve experienced a similar problem while using this incredible service.

We can help you find the right answer to your questions. We will be sharing detailed information on Why Picuki isn’t working and the workarounds.

Hey your Picuki app is not working, Don’t get tensed here is the best Picuki alternatives that you can use. 

Why is picuki not working?

Picuki allows you to upload photos directly from Instagram. You can browse Instagram without signing in. It is susceptible to downtime because it is a website.

Websites that are large cannot cope with the high traffic they receive, such as, can often go down.

Picuki may not work on your computer or smartphone for a variety of reasons. Picuki may experience website downtime because of server issues, or another issue.

Picuki may not be working due to server issues or other reasons. It is important to find out the root cause and fix it immediately.

How to fix Picuki is not working

Picuki is a great app which is use to see anyone’s Instagram stories anonymously.

But sometimes when it does not work properly because of any technical issues then it can be hectic. There may be a lot of reasons because of that picuki doesn’t work properly.

Here are the some ways to fix this issue: 

1. Restart the web browser

Yes. This is one of the most popular ways to fix Picuki not functioning. To fix the problem, you will need to restart your web browser. This method works flawlessly if the problem is on your end.

The browser cache files may be cleared by restarting the browsing. It also clears your browser DNS history. This makes it easier for the browser load the new web page.

Picuki is not working on your system? This is the first thing you should try.


Picuki may be down. Before you can make a conclusion, it is important to check that the problem is with your internet connection. You can either restart your WiFi router, or restart the internet connection on your computer.

Simply disconnect the power cable and restart the router. You can also disconnect/reconnect from the WiFi network or Ethernet network using Windows 10.

After you have done this, you should restart your browser to see if the Picuki website can be loaded on your system. This is the best way to resolve this problem.


The DNS services run in the background while you surf the internet. They store cache files on your system. The system usually deletes cache files on a regular basis. They can cause problems with web browsing if not cleared.

It is essential to flush the DNS cache if you use Windows OS. Picuki will not work if the DNS cache has expired.

Follow the steps below to flush your DNS cache.

  1. At the very first press the “Windows + R” Key on your keyboard to open RUN Window.
  2. In the RUN Window, type “cmd” command and then press ENTER button to open the Command Prompt Window.
  3. In the Command Prompt, type Ipconfig /flushdns and then press ENTER.
  4. Next step is restart your computer to let the changes take effect.
  5. After restarting, you will be able to access Picuki app on your PC/Laptop.


Although it may sound strange, waiting for Picuki to open is an excellent solution. Picuki may not be accessible after you have tried all of the above methods. Picuki can be down because of a problem with its servers.

There is nothing you can do in such situations except wait. Wait for the Picuki team to resolve the problem.


Q. What to do if picuki is down?

Ans. Picuki will be restored to normal after the server issue has been resolved. For a fast resolution, you can also contact them.

Q. Is picuki anonymous?

Ans. Yes. Picuki allows anonymous viewing of photos and videos from other users. Picuki is the best choice if you don’t want Instagram to log in.

Q. Is picuki good for stalking private profiles?

Ans. No. Picuki should only be used for anonymously surfing Instagram and not to stalk people. It does not permit you to view private profiles.