Understanding Essay and Implement Its Characteristics
Understanding Essay and Implement Its Characteristics: Essay is a prose that discusses a problem at a glance from the personal point of view of the author. From that definition, of course we can conclude that essay writing is writing which is subjective and argumentative in its delivery. An essay is a judgment, view, or evaluation of the author of a fact that occurred to then be drawn conclusions. Any essay must include facts or real events that are criticized or in other words an essay is totally not a fictitious prose.
Essay writing aims to convince the reader to believe in author’s opinion of an event. With that purpose, the opinions in the essay should be accompanied by data or facts that support the reader to believe in the opinion. However, writing essays does not have to be too profound to theories, just flowing enough, and not limiting the use of very standard language. The essence of essay is relaxed discussion apa format research paper.
Understanding Essay and Implement Its Characteristics
Table of Contents
As a type of writing, essay can be divided into 5 types:
1. The Descriptive Essay
This type of essay can write down any subject or object that can attract the author’s attention. It can describe a house, a recreation place, a school, or something else.
2. The Canopy Essay
This type of essay can be seen in newspapers and magazines. This essay has a special function, which describes the views and attitude of a newspaper / magazine to a topic and issue in society. With the canopy, the newspaper creates a disarming opinion.
3. The Essay Of One’s Character
This type of essay reveals several aspects of one’s individual life to the reader.
4. The Reflective Essay
The reflective essay is written formally with a serious tone. The author uses deeply, seriously, some important topics related to life, such as death, politics, education, and human nature.
5. The Critical Essay
This type of essay is useful for generating reader’s fidelity about the writer’s thoughts and feelings about artwork.
By its writing process, an essay can be divided into three parts:
First, an introduction that contains background information that identifies the subject and the introduction of the subject to be assessed by the author.
Second, the body of the essay presenting all the information about the subject.
Third, it is the final part that gives the final conclusion by recalling the main idea, the summary of the body of the essay, or adding some observations about the subject judged by the author
The Difficulties
Writing an essay is not a simple task. You need to understand the above points and what’s most important, how to implement them onto your paper. As a student, you might need to finish your essay while you’re in need also to finish other tasks. In this case you need a help from a professional writing service. You can easily find many writing services by typing some related keywords but based on our experience, clicking here will bring to you a satisfaction. You will get help regarding your essay and you can save your valuable time.