Top 5 Ways to Keep Skeletal System Healthy
Top 5 Ways to Keep Skeletal System Healthy: Hello, Everyone Today I am going to share some interesting facts on The Top Five ways to keep your Skeletal System Healthy.The skeletal system provides the support and structure to the body and it serves to protect your vital organs, such as your brain, heart and lungs.
The working with muscles, the skeletal system assists in the movement. While the bones are hard, they can be broken and weakened if not cared for properly. A good diet and also the regular exercise will help to keep your skeletal system strong and healthy. Here are The Top Five Ways to keep your Skeletal System Healthy.
Top 5 Ways to Keep Skeletal System Healthy
Table of Contents
1. Eat a Balanced Diet
There is the truth to the old adage, “You are what you eat.” Although the calcium and vitamin D get the most attention to your bones and it also require other nutrients to stay strong and healthy. The Vitamins A, C and K; protein; phosphorus; magnesium; potassium; zinc; copper; iron; manganese and fluoride all are contribute to the strength of your skeletal system. A well-balanced diet that includes a broad array of the foods which remains the best way to obtain a full complement of bone-healthy nutrients.
The Fruits, vegetables and the whole grains provide many of the vitamins and minerals which is needed to build and maintain your healthy bones. The Low-fat and nonfat dairy milk and the fortified soy milk contribute the high concentrations of protein, calcium, potassium, magnesium and vitamins A and D. Fish, lean meats, dry beans and nuts also it serves as the healthy protein, vitamin and mineral sources.
2. Make Time for Physical Activity
Balancing of your work and home life so that you can get to the gym, work out or participate in the sports often presents a challenge. The Regular physical activity, however, is one of the most important factors in maintaining a healthy skeletal system. The Weight-bearing exercise is especially important for the women. The gravitational pull of your muscles on your bones which counteracts bone loss, and which typically begins in your 30s.
The Weight-bearing activities include the walking, jogging, stair climbing, backpacking, circuit training, trampoline jumping, step aerobics, dance fitness, free weight training and the working out with a weight machine or resistance bands. The Scheduling a time to meet helps ensure that your workout time is not left in the dust.
3. Maintain a Healthy Body Weight
The Maintaining of a healthy body weight which confers the skeletal health benefits. The Avoiding weight gain prevents the undue stress on your hips and the knees. The Overweight and the obesity increase your risk for the arthritis later in your life and it may interfere with the current physical activities. So, being underweight can also harm your bones. The Underweight women are frequently have the less bone mass than their normal-weight counterparts. Being in the severely underweight it may disrupt your menstrual cycle, and it also reduce your estrogen level and it lead to bone loss.
4. Don’t Smoke
The Cigarette smoking undermines virtually in every aspect of your good health, it is including a strong skeletal system. The Smoking reduces the amount of the calcium you absorb from your diet and it also diminishes the blood supply to your bones. In addition to this, the nicotine interferes with the new bone formation, which occurs continuously as your body recycles the old bone and lays down the new one. The Smoking also may reduce the level of the estrogen in your body, it is weakening your bones and also potentially it is leading to the early menopause.
5. Drink in Moderation
The Long-term, heavy drinking during your 20s and in the early 30s may permanently weaken your bones by the interfering with the new bone formation during the time when your bones should reach their peak mass. The Moderate drinking of one or two drinks in per day, while relaxing in the evening or enjoying a night out does not harm your bones but it may reduce the risk for the osteoporosis among the older, especially the menopausal in the women.
So, these are The Top Five Ways to keep your Skeletal System Healthy. The Above-Mentioned Points are very useful if it is really take in your daily life and you all can avoid the diseases which is harmful for the body. If any Queries or Questions is persist then please feel free to comment your view points.