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Top 5 Largest Railway Networks in the World



Top 5 Largest Railway Networks in the World: Hello, Everyone Today I am going to share some exciting facts on The Top 5 Railway Networks in the World. The railway network is the backbone of any country; it plays a significant role in its commercial, industrial and economic growth. Besides it is used to the transport goods from one place to another, the railways are the primary source of the passenger transport too, by carrying such people to the desired destinations, who cannot afford to travel by air.

Moreover, it is one of the cheapest means of the transport; railways also boast of the exceptional comfort and ease of travel, which is why it is useful by even those who can spend money on the air travel. In this way, the railway network is an essential asset for any nation as well its citizens. Many countries with the extensively large railway networks have witnessed a significant role in overall growth and development in all sectors, over the past few decades. Here are the top 5 countries with the most extensive railway network in the world.

Top 5 Largest Railway Networks in the World

1. The United States of America (with the 224792 km)

The USA is the country which tops the list of the countries with the most significant railway its network in the world. The state has a private railway network, which extends to a length of the distance of 224792 km. The USA developed its railway network at a very early stage, and this played a significant factor in the growth of the USA. The country is still developing the rail network to support the higher capacity and higher speeds.

2. China (with the 112000 km)

Following the list, with a length reaching the distance of 112000 km is the railway network of the China. Out of this period, it’s electrified range which is measures the distance of 55811 km. In this country too, the railway is nationalized. The state has grown at a breakneck pace in the last two decades and it the backbone of the China. It is also a manufacturing industry. So, the railway network supports the country by providing an infrastructure to the transport containers and raw material from one point to the another.

3. Russia (with the 86000 km)

The Russia comes next on the list of the top 5 countries with an extensive railway network and with a nationalized rail network. It is reaching an immense length of the distance 86000 km. Out of which nearly 50000 km speed electrified. The country is a huge, and it surely needs a massive railway infrastructure to support the needs of the population and the nation. The rail transport in the Russia still described as an economic wonder of the 19th, 20th and 21st century.

4. India (with the 65808 km)

India ranks the number 4 on the list, with its railway network spread over a distance of the 65808 km, with an electrified length of the 20884 km. The railway in the country is a nationalized department. A Railway network in the country is still in the development condition, and the state is also setting up a system of a bullet train. A massive network of the railway is needing for supporting the enormous population of the country.

5. Canada (with the 46552 km)

The country Canada is the fifth largest railway network in the world, with a private rail network, which is extending to a total length of the distance of 46552 km. Nearly 129 km of the railway network electrified. The major operator in the country is the CN Rail, CP Rail, and Via Rail. The state has a ridership of about 80 Million. The railway network of the country connected to the land USA.

So, these are the points as mentioned above to know about The Top 5 Largest Railway Network in the World. If some Queries or Questions is persisting then, please feel free to comment your viewpoints.