Home News Top 5 Home Remedies For The Cold and Cough

Top 5 Home Remedies For The Cold and Cough


Top 5 Home Remedies For The Cold and Cough: Hello, Everyone Today I am going to share some exciting facts on The Top 5 Home Remedies for Cold and Cough. The common cold is almost accompanied by a cough and flu, and it can be quite an irritating condition to deal with this. The medication which can help to reduce the symptoms that you experience is a cold that has no cure, and it takes about a seven day to resolve.

So, instead of loading your body with all those chemicals why not try the something natural to beat the discomfort which you feel. So, here are The Top 5 natural remedies that work to not only keep you a cough and cold but also it helps to relieve the symptoms.

Top 5 Home Remedies For The Cold and Cough

1. Keep Garlic Handy

The Garlic is packed with the antioxidants, and it is perfect to protect you from a cough and cold. Apart from that garlic which contains a compound known as allicin, it is known to have the great anti-bacterial, anti-viral and also anti-fungal properties to cure a cough and cold.
If you have a cough and cold, then take about 4 to 5 cloves of the garlic, lightly crush them and sauté it in a little ghee. Have this kind of a natural remedy.

2. Treat Your Cold and Cough With The Turmeric

Turmeric is rich in curcumin and volatile oils that have a protective as well as the therapeutic action of persons suffering from a cough and flu. Haldi also has an anti-viral and anti-bacterial activity that can help beat the infection. The Turmeric can help to prevent the disease from the worsening. The easiest way to use the turmeric is as called haldidoodh.
To make this drink, take a teaspoon of the haldi and add it to a glass of the milk. Now boil these mixtures and drink it while it is still hot. One can add some honey to the mix.

3. Drink Protective Herbal Tea

There are other herbal teas which also help the people who suffer from a frequent cough and cold. These beverages combine the beneficial effects of the different ingredients like pepper, ginger, tulsi, and cinnamon to help to relieve the symptoms of the cold and cough and keep the condition from relaxing.

Mix in 4 pods of the cardamom, four corns of the black pepper, four cloves, a few small slices of the fresh ginger and also a tiny piece of cinnamon in water. Allow these mixtures to boil, then turn the flame to low, cover the vessel and allow it to simmer for almost 10 to 15 minutes. Then strain the tea, and mix in a little milk or honey and drink this tea while it is still warm.

4. Homemade Medicinal Lozenge

Much before the time of the Halls and Strepsils homes in India which is used to have their medicines like the remedies for a cough and cold. Not only does this solution will help you to reduce the irritation you feel in your throat, but it is also a natural way to treat a cough. Here is a simple remedy that you can quickly prepare.

Chop a small quantity of the ginger and extract the juice from it. Roast and powder a few corns of the pepper. Mix the ginger juice, pepper powder, a pinch of the turmeric powder and also add a little honey to make it a thick paste. Now roll it into a small ball to make it into the toffees. Place these small balls inside your mouth like you take a lozenge and keep sucking on this for about 10 to 15 minutes. Repeat these two or three times in a day for the relief from the cold and cough.

5. Remedies For a Productive Cough

If you develop a productive cough like a cough that causes phlegm, you can also help your body to expel the sputum with the simple home remedies. A cough can be a symptom of the various conditions right from an infection in the chest to the severe ailments like bronchitis, pneumonia and even Tuberculosis. So, if your cough remains for more than one weeks, then you have to visit your doctor for a proper diagnosis.

The best home remedy for this takes a few peppercorns with a little cumin and jaggery. Add a little water into it and keep boiling these mixtures until you get a concentrated decoction. Chill and drink it to help to expel from the phlegm which is blocking your airways.

So, these are those mentioned above Top 5 Home Remedies to cure a Cold and Cough. If any Queries or Questions is persist then, please feel free to comment your viewpoints.