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Top 10 Ways To Improve Your Memory Power



Hello, Everyone Today am going to share some exciting facts on The Top 10 ways to improve your Memory. Memory is the support of the mind by which the information is thought, stored, and retrieved.

Memory is a crucial experience and related to the limbic systems; it is the retention of the data over time for influencing future action.

If we cannot remember past events, then we cannot learn or develop language, relationships, and personal identity. Here are The Top 5 ways to Improve your Memory.

1. The Focus on Attending

If you are listening to someone, repeat what they have said and write it down. Try a different way of attending; this helps to make new neural connections.

It suggests you shake a person’s hand and repeat their name upon meeting. Now with Skype and other digital media, this can be impossible, but you can still repeat information out loud and take notes.

There is also research on whether typing information into a computer or the actual writing on a piece of paper will help the attention process and your proper storage.

It is essential to have undivided attention when you are focused on new information. When someone is presenting the news, you just often are not listening to what is present. But, it is vital to keep the task within your understanding.

2. Reduction of Stress

This is one of the hardest things to do. There is extensive research on how stress affects your ability to attend, concentrate, store, and retrieve information.

Adding to this is a disease, trauma, and your brain just shuts down.

Heart rate breathing is extremely essential. The heart and brain communication system is through the vagus nerve and to the sympathetic afferents.

By controlling your breath, you can control your brain and higher brain centers that affect registration, storage, and retrieval. The emWave2 is a method to help you to learn the heart rate breathing. This technique is not going to make the baby stop crying. But it will give you a tool to help; it reduces stress.

3. The Restorative Sleep

This area is incredibly essential. You must go to bed at the same time each night and wake up at the same time. Do not have the sound machines or the radio or TV, which is going in the evening. Sleep is the first area most affected by the disease and memory problems. To Rescue the remedy sleep, that is very effective, as taking a soothing bath along with the heart rate breathing helps to reduce the stress in your life so that you can attain to restorative sleep.

4. Reduction of the Caffeine

For some people with memory problems, caffeine can help in the short-term to attend focus, yet in the long run, it can cause exhaustion, which influences the release of information.

You can continue to neglect yourself, which will undoubtedly create some form of memory loss. It is especially right if you have a disease or some trauma to the brain.

So, reducing taking more caffeine in Tea/Coffee will also affect memory. Thus, it is better to make these beverages in time only.

5. Learning of Novels ways of Thinking

Do the crossword puzzles help? What everyone has to do is the crossword puzzles eventually, the other areas of the brain and brain connections will die off.

Having a balanced life of conversations with new friends, new routines, and taking different routes is essential when doing your morning run or bicycle ride.

Those connections you use will get stronger; however, if you are not doing something novel, the links you are not using will die off automatically.

It is especially true if your brain injury is from the disease. If you had a sport-related problem and continue on the same path of recovery, areas damaged due to the issues may never recover. You need to use your brain as much as possible differently.

6. Consume less sugar

Too much added sugar consumption has been linked to a variety of health problems and chronic disorders, including cognitive deterioration.

A sugar-laden diet has been linked to poor memory and lower brain volume, particularly in the area of the brain that maintains short-term memory (1Trusted Source, 2Trusted Source).

For example, one research of over 4,000 participants discovered that those who consumed more sugary beverages like soda had smaller total brain sizes and poorer memories on average than those who consumed less sugar (2Trusted Source).

Sugar reduction benefits not just your memory but also your general health.

7. Consider taking a fish oil supplement

Fish oil contains high levels of the omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) (DHA).

These fats benefit overall health since they have been demonstrated to lessen the risk of heart disease, reduce inflammation, relieve stress and anxiety, and prevent brain decline (3Trusted Source, 4Trusted Source).

Numerous studies have indicated that eating fish and using fish oil supplements can improve memory, especially in the elderly.

A 2015 analysis of 28 studies found that when persons with mild signs of memory loss received supplements high in DHA and EPA, such as fish oil, their episodic memory improved (6Trusted Source).

8. Make time to meditate

Meditation can be beneficial to your health in a variety of ways. It is calming and relaxing and has been shown to alleviate tension and pain, lower blood pressure, and even improve memory (8Trusted Source).

Meditation has been demonstrated to enhance grey matter in the brain. Neuron cell bodies can be found in grey matter (9Trusted Source).

Gray matter diminishes with aging, which hurts memory and cognition (10Trusted Source).

Meditation and relaxation practices have been demonstrated to increase short-term memory in persons of all ages, ranging from young adults to the elderly (11 Trusted Source).

One study, for example, found that Taiwanese college students who practiced meditation, such as mindfulness, had considerably stronger spatial working memory than individuals who did not practice meditation (12Trusted Source).

Spatial working memory is the ability to keep and process information about the placements of things in space.

9. Keep a healthy weight

Keeping a healthy body weight is vital for overall well-being and is one of the most effective strategies to keep your body and mind in peak condition.

Obesity has been identified as a risk factor for cognitive deterioration in several investigations.

Obesity can alter memory-associated genes in the brain, influencing memory negatively (13Trusted Source).

Obesity can also cause insulin resistance and inflammation, harming the brain (14Trusted Source).

A study of 50 adults between 18 and 35 discovered that having a greater BMI was related to considerably lower performance on memory tests (15Trusted Source).

Obesity is also linked to an increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease, a degenerative condition that impairs memory and cognitive function (16Trusted Source)

10. Use alcohol in moderation

Too much alcohol can harm your health in various ways, including a bad influence on your memory.

Binge drinking is a drinking pattern that results in blood alcohol levels of 0.08 grams per milliliter or higher. According to research, it affects the brain and causes memory problems.

A study of 155 college freshmen discovered that individuals who drank six or more drinks in a short period of time, either weekly or monthly, performed worse on immediate and delayed memory-recall tests than those who never binge drank (21Trusted Source).

The effects of alcohol on the brain are neurotoxic. Frequent binge drinking episodes can harm the hippocampus, a portion of the brain important for memory (22Trusted Source).

While a glass or two now and then is probably fine, avoiding excessive alcohol consumption is a sensible strategy to safeguard your memory.

These are the points mentioned above of The Top 10 ways to Improve your Memory. If Some Queries or Questions is persisting then; please feel free to comment your viewpoints.

Sheela is Newspaper Head and Chief Content writer at chopnews. She is always motivated and passionate for his work and always try to give his best. She always try to learn new things. She is focused to his target and always Dream big to achieve a lot. She always motivate other to Dream Big and achieve Big and Be a Role Model for Every one.