The Bachelorette Suitors Threaten to “Walk Out” in Stunning New Promo
In the a new trailer for Clare Crawley’s upcoming season of The Bachelorette, Chris Harrison says what we’re witnessing is “historic.”
But here’s the thing:
He may not be referring to what everyone out there assumes.
By now, through a number of The Bachelorette spoilers that have been confirmed by a number of reliable sources, we know that Crawley only sticks around for 12 days of filming this fall.
Because she falls so hard for a contestant named Dale Moss that she sees no reason to continue shooting and continue pretending as if any other guy on set has a shot at her heart.
According to a bombshell report, producers even helped convinced Clare to go home early.
Tayshia Adams will be brought in to take over for Crawley and, yes, Harrison has already talked about how crazy and wild the season will be as a result.
(“It is unlike anything we have ever seen on this show before,” the popular host recently teased.
“I know I say that sometimes, but I truly think we have outdone ourselves this time. I think it definitely goes up on the Mount Rushmore of wild seasons of Bachelor and Bachelorette.”)
However, based on this footage depicted here, it appears as if something ELSE unprecedented is about to go down.
Early on, the trailer comes across like every other trailer in The Bachelorette history, with Clare talking excitedly about her journey — and also with Clare kissing a lot of men.
Including one in a blindfold.
But then it takes a turn.
There’s a shot of one of contestants crying and saying “it’s just scary” after Crawley asks someone if everyone there is lying to her.
And then?!?
Another guy can be heard saying, “How about the 15 of us walk out?”
Whoa there, right??? This would be quite the development.
It would also be an understandable development if the other men just found out about Moss and Clare’s feelings for him, you know?
ABC, of course, has remained mum about Clare and Dale — and the related stunner that Adams gets brought in to take over as The Bachelorette.
But it remains an accepted fact at this point, with the only real question centering on whether or not Crawley is actually engaged to Moss right now.
We don’t have that information for fans just yet.
We do know, however, that Clare concludes this trailer in a puddlle of tears, making us think her time as The Bachelorette — as brief as it may end up being — isn’t exactly smooth sailing.
Look for the adventure to begin on Tuesday, October 13 at 8/7c on ABC.
And look at this preview for an emotional, intense andd mysterious glimpse at what’s ahead!