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Shrimp Tail In Cinnamon Toast Crunch



Shrimp tail cinnamon toast crunch is one of my favorite breakfast foods. If you are unfamiliar with it, you will be amazed at how easy it is to make and how great it tastes.

The best part is that you can make this delicious treat in the microwave and enjoy a tasty breakfast in just minutes. I’m sure you will want to try this new breakfast idea soon!

Jensen Karp’s story

Earlier this week, a Los Angeles man named Jensen Karp tweeted about finding sugar-coated shrimp tails in his cereal. His tweet prompted a flood of hilarious responses. Those reactions, along with the tweet itself, have gone viral.

One of the first people to respond to the tweet was comedian Seth Rogen. The satirical actor commented on Jensen’s story, adding his own take to it. He also wrote a post about his experience.

In the end, General Mills, the manufacturer of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, responded to the tweet. They said there was no possible way the cereal could have been contaminated with shrimp tails.

However, a customer who tweeted about the incident reported that she believed the boxes had been altered.

The shrimp tail fiasco is a complex matter. While some users speculated that rats made their home in the dry ingredients of General Mills, others claimed it was a case of cross contamination.

Some also suggested that the black stuff on the squares of cereal were rat droppings.

Although there is no evidence that the shrimp tails actually are in the cereal, the company did offer a free replacement box. Also, a genetic testing is being done to make sure they are real.

General Mills’ denials

General Mills, the company that makes Cinnamon Toast Crunch, has been accused of knowingly containing shrimp tails in cereal.

The claim was made by a customer who bought two packs. But the cereal’s manufacturer has since denied the claim.

Initially, the company said the image was an accumulation of cinnamon sugar. However, it later issued a public statement stating that the cereal was tampered with.

In the meantime, Twitter users started to share their own stories of strange products. Some people cited concerns about shellfish allergies. Others thought it might have been a scavenge from rodents.

When Karp tweeted about the photo, the tweet went viral. Karp’s tweet was retweeted 11,500 times, and his story quickly became a hot topic. His tweet caught the attention of celebrities such as Seth Rogen, who urged General Mills to investigate.

Kellogg’s responded to Karp, but it was not enough. It looked like the company was not serious about investigating.

Karp has since reached out to General Mills. He told them he was sending in samples to be tested. They said they were looking into the matter, but they had no idea what the samples were.

Meanwhile, he contacted Poison Control. They asked him to send in the pieces of the cereal to them.

A funny side story

If you’re a fan of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, you’ve probably noticed the controversy brewing. This week the Twitter universe went a bit haywire with a plethora of jokes and rumors.

A funny side story about shrimp tails in a cereal box has some people buzzing. But it may be time for a closer look.

Among the many stories swirling around the internet, the one about the shrimp in a cereal box has become one of the most interesting.

A podcaster named Jensen Karp tweeted a photo of two shrimp tails, which was followed by a tweet about a “special surprise” that included the first shrimp in a box of CTC.

However, the real story came after Karp inspected the box for evidence of a plethora of black objects.

For the most part, the CTC company has stomped its feet. As of press time, Kellogg’s had yet to respond. So it’s anyone’s guess which one is at fault.

Hopefully a replacement box will be on its way to Karp’s house soon. Meanwhile, the shuckin’ Shack has capitalized on this media event in a big way. Whether or not that was the plan is another matter.

What is interesting is that the aforementioned flurry of twitter activity was not confined to just the CTC brand.

Several users took to the micro blogosphere to debunk Karp’s claims, suggesting that the black stuff was a rat’s nest, and General Mills’ dry ingredients were the nefarious culprits.