Home News Search the Treasure Map Signpost Found in Junk Junction

Search the Treasure Map Signpost Found in Junk Junction


Search the treasure map signpost found in junk junction : Season 8, Week 10 challenges for Fortnite have arrived just in time for May.

The pirate-themed (or perhaps volcano spaceship-themed?) season of Fortnite: Battle Royale is coming to an end, which means you only have about a week to complete all of the Season 8 challenges and earn the Luxe skin.

Where To Look For The Treasure Map Signpost Found In Junk Junction In Fortnite’s Challenge

To unlock the Discovery Challenge skin Ruin, you’ll need to complete 55 weekly challenges.

In Week 10, players will be tasked with completing a two-part treasure map challenge for the second time this season.

The old treasure map challenges were always entertaining, but Epic Games removed them from the weekly rotation for a long time until they reappeared two weeks ago.

(Click here to see where the treasure map signpost is in Paradise Palms.)

Players must locate the Treasure Map Signpost in Junk Junction this time.

Simply interact with it once you’ve found it to reveal the map, which will lead you to the treasure.

Once you’ve landed in Junk Junction, in the northwest corner of Fortnite’s sprawling, ever-changing map, here’s where you’ll find the Signpost:

The Treasure Map Signpost is located in Junk Junction’s north-central section, just west of the basketball court.

It’s past a stack of pallets on a blue shipping container where you’ll find it (see image at the top of this post).

If you’re doing this challenge right away, this area will be swarming with other players when you arrive.

This is a good time to get some pickaxe damage for that challenge, or to camp and get some extra eliminations (though I always recommend letting other players interact with the challenge first; it’s the right thing to do).

The Treasure Map will appear after you’ve interacted with the Signpost.

Then it’s on to the challenge’s second stage. Remember to complete this round first before moving on to Stage 2.

Go here for a helpful map and guide for that stage.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I hope you found it useful! Best of luck!