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Russian Spies Arrested: Know the Exact Reason



Russian Spies Arrested?:  Bohu Darbar, a pro-Russian informant, donated €10,000 to the radical LENS in 2016.

Jozef Mihalin, another guy jailed for his ties with Russians, was MP Miroslav Suja’s assistant when Suja was a member of the L’SNS.

Many persons were imprisoned by the authorities as a result of their collaboration with Russian secret services and their ties to Marian Kotleba’s far-right L’SNS.

Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the Kotleba party has continued to downplay Vladimir Putin’s regime’s role in the conflict in Ukraine.

The police had already investigated allegations that L’SNS was stealing money from Russians.

Why Russian Spies Arrested

Garbár used to write for the misinformation website Hlavne Spravy, which was once the most popular in the field but was recently suspended by the National Security Bureau (NBU) for disseminating false material regarding the Ukraine conflict.

L’SNS used to have a prominent place on this site, publishing its statements without context. In the new party, Republika, Hlavné Správy continued to grant liberal space to L’SNS renegades.

Jakub Goda, a marketing expert who specialises in combatting disinformation, “infiltrated” the website and wrote a dozen pieces for them under a false name, giving him insight into how it worked.

He now claims that the connection between Russian secret services, betrayal websites, and extremist groups surprises him.

What were the reasons for the arrest of Russian spies?

“The Russian Federation seeks to weaken countries by undermining citizens’ faith in their own government.” It’s extremists’ political objective as well as content for disinformation websites that disseminate many conspiracy theories.”

Sergey Solomasov, the former military attaché of the Russian Embassy in Bratislava, was seen in a leaked video instructing Bohus Garbar of Hlavne Spravy on how to obtain contacts and information, according to the news source.

The police investigators are using it as one piece of evidence in the spy investigation.

According to police Corps President Stefan Hamran, since April 2021, Garbar has operated as an intelligence asset for agents of the Russian military intelligence service GRU, who have been stationed in Slovakia under the diplomatic cover of the Russian Embassy.

“I require political information, communication among countries, from within NATO, within the EU, Bratislava and other countries,” Solomasov tells Garbar in the leaked video.

In exchange for kickbacks from Moscow, Garbar would obtain very sensitive information. He admitted to doing the crime.

L’SS spokesperson Martin Belusky responded that they couldn’t have known about Garbar’s activities because they hadn’t spoken to him in years. Garbar was recruited by Russian spies in April 2021.

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