Powerful Flu remedies
Powerful Flu remedies: If you’ve ever experienced flu, you know it can leave you barely able to crawl out of bed. While there isn’t a cure, there are some things you can do to ease the symptoms of flu and speed up the process of building yourself back to health. Stock up your cupboard and prep your body as flu season approaches to ensure that if the virus hits you’ve got your weapons at the ready to fight it off.
4 Flu Fighting tips
- Consider Zinc supplements
Zinc supports your body’s immune system, and so it can help to improve cold and flu symptoms and support your body’s ability to fight the virus. Consider making Zinc a part of your supplement intake or look for foods that are high in Zinc and incorporate them into your diet.
- Try out an IV therapy
IV therapies are a growing trend and an increasingly popular way of providing your body with an infusion of vitamins and minerals to support overall health and wellbeing. If you’re searching for remedies for Flu recovery Los Angeles, as an IV package could be an excellent way to boost your health before Flu season. The IV method allows vitamins and minerals to enter directly into your bloodstream, meaning that nothing is lost in the digestive process, and they can get straight to work, boosting your defenses against the flu.
- Ginger
Ginger is considered to have an array of health benefits. In particular, it can be effective in combatting nausea. Ginger sweets are often touted in helping to combat motion sickness, but Ginger can also help to alleviate flu-related nausea symptoms. Thinly slice some ginger and add it to boiling water. You can add honey for sweetness and/or lemon for an extra healthy kick. This combination can also be effective in soothing sore, dry throats, and easing a cough.
- Fluids and more fluids
When you have a cold or the flu, people are endlessly telling you to ‘drink lots of fluids’, but with good reason. Keeping your body well hydrated supports it to put up a good fight against viruses. You can increase your fluid intake in a variety of ways, water being the obvious one. Herbal teas can also be a good alternative but try to avoid drinks that have high caffeine content. Sports drinks are another way to increase your fluid intake as well as providing your body with electrolytes. Read the ingredients and make sure you’re not just drinking a sugary cocktail.
Sadly, there is no magic pill for curing the flu, but the above remedies can be a great way to prop up your immune system and give your body a little much-needed love while it gets to work in battling what can be a nasty and debilitating virus. Some of these ideas can be incorporated into your every-day life and need not be used only once your body has succumbed to the Flu. Prevention is better than cure. The healthier you are, and the stronger your immune system, the better-placed your body will be to fight and recover from any illness.