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Pokemon Go December Community Day



Pokemon Go December Community Day : Special Research for Pokemon GO’s December Community Day: Steps, Rewards, And Elite TMs.The two-day Pokemon GO Community Day bonanza has begun, bringing back all of the Pokemon from both this year’s and last year’s Community Days, giving you the biggest chance yet to catch a tonne of creatures with their unique powers.

We also have a $.99 special research in the shop, as has been tradition this year, and it’s a nice one.

Because I’ve only just woken up, I haven’t had time to go through all of the processes yet, but our international community members—and dataminers—have stepped in to assist cast some light on the matter.

Here are the steps and prizes, courtesy of Leekduck and the Silph Road subreddit, along with some valuable elite TMs:

1st step:

Table of Contents

  • 10 Pokeballs if you catch 15 Piplup
  • 10 Razzberries for 15 Rhyhorn
  • 1500 XP if you catch 15 Abra.
  • 10 Pinap berries, 1 Sinnoh Stone, and 200 Stardust are the rewards for each step.

Step two:

  • 10 Ultra Balls if you catch 15 Seedot
  • 1500 XP if you catch 15 weedles.
  • 1500 Stardust if you catch 15 Gastly
  • 1 Incense, 1 Poffin, 2000 Stardust each step

3rd step:

  • 10 Pinap Berries for 15 Magikarp
  • 1 Sinnoh Stone if you catch 15 Porygon.
  • 1 Elite Fast TM Charmander for every 15 Charmander caught
  • 1 Upgrade, 1 Rocket Radar, and 200 Stardust are the rewards for each step.

4th Step:

  • 1 Sinnoh Stone if you catch 15 Electabuzz
  • 1 Sinnoh Stone if you catch 15 Magmar
  • 1 Elite Charged TM for every 15 Pokemon caught
  • 3 Rare Candy, 1500 XP, and 200 Stardust are the rewards for each step.

That’s quite a haul! The ordinary premium rewards, like as a Rocket Radar, a Poffin, and some Rare Candy, are typically worth the $.99, but it’s the Elite TMs that truly put it over the top.

These are usually tough to come by at regular intervals, and players will purchase them in considerably more expensive bundles.

If you’re looking to build together a team of superpowered Pokemon with rare moves, this is a mission you’ll want to purchase, especially because you’ll have two days to complete it.

The December Community Day is always a good time, and this year is no exception.

Take a look back at a tumultuous year that began just one day after the Food and Drug Administration (FD) authorised the first COVID-19 vaccination. Maybe next year will be a little better

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