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People Calling Jesús: Why Hasn’t Jesus Returned Yet?



People Calling Jesús: Why Hasn’t Jesus returned Yet:

It’s almost over.

It’s a cliché, yet this saying never gets old.

People calling Jesús

People have had this belief that the end is approaching since the 1800s. Do you recall the thousands of Millerites who sold everything they owned because they believed the world was ending? When another sunrise signaled the beginning of a new day in the year 1844, they all stopped waiting for the world to end and looked up at the dark sky.

According to Relevant Magazine, apocalypse and the “rapture hooplas” were also believed in; the latter even spent millions of dollars on billboards to inform people.

The belief that “the end is approaching” is widespread because many people want it to happen. Many people would welcome the end of suffering in this world.

Many people would like to finally escape the struggles and obstacles this world has continuously presented.

Many people would like to ultimately see Jesus return and for the world to be redeemed so that suffering can be put to an end and everyone can live in a holy, secure place free from sorrow and anguish.

According to Relevant Magazine, “Although Jesus is quite clear that no one can predict the exact time that he will come to destroy sin and death, many people still hope for it. They search because they are worn out.

They are sick of suffering through conflict, suffering, and cruelty. They have become weary of fighting sin. They want God to bring an end to the current age in a way that will bring about health, benefit the soul, and be Spirit-guided because they are tired of losing loved ones to illness.”

But why is the end just now approaching and not already? Why is Jesus still on the way?

Jesus Is Returning: The Assurance

One must first establish the certainty of Jesus’ return in order to appropriately respond to the question, “Why hasn’t Jesus returned yet?” Christians are aware that He will return because He said it Himself, and the Word does not alter.

You will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory, Jesus assured the world in Matthew 24:30.

The apostle John saw something that he recorded in Revelation 19:11–16 “The Word of God, whose rider is called Faithful and True, was standing in front of me when I saw heaven standing open. On His robe and on His thigh, He has this name written: King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The armies of heaven were riding behind Him, clad in fine linen, spotless and clean.”

Jesus will undoubtedly return.

But another query is raised: When will Jesus return?

Jesus is assured that He will return. Even though He was never explicit about when He would return because He did not know during His time on earth, He does know how He would return.

Nobody, not even the angels in heaven, the Son, or anyone else, but only the Father knows the day or hour of that event, according to Matthew 24:36.

“Keep watch,” Jesus commanded the world, “because you do not know the day on which your Lord will come” (Matthew 24:42).

Jesus Continues to Wait

Author Roger Dr. Roger Barrier presented a letter he had received from a Sarah in a Crosswalk piece.

Hello, Roger

Why is Jesus still on earth today? In our world, there is so much anguish and suffering. I saw countless individuals rejecting Him. And when I contrast that with every passage in the Bible where Jesus makes a promise to return, I find it difficult to understand why He is delaying so long. Can you assist me?

Sincerely, Sarah

Dr. Barrier, a respected conference speaker and instructor who is a retired senior pastor from Casas Church in Tucson, Arizona, responded to the woman’s query by outlining three things.

1. Jesus is eagerly anticipating the world’s acceptance of His gifts of atonement, salvation, and a brand-new existence with Him.

“Contrary to how some people see slowness, the Lord keeps his promises quickly. He is patient with you instead because he does not want anyone to perish but rather for everyone to turn to God. (2 Peter 3:8-9)

Jesus’ arrival is postponed because He is patiently waiting for everyone to depart from their sins and return to Him by doing miracles while He waits.

Jesus wouldn’t permit many people to spend their entire lives in hell, so there is a delay. He merely desires to be with His followers eternally.

2. Jesus is holding off on destroying the world’s evil until there are no longer enough Christians to do so.

Jesus said, “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has lost its savor, it is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trodden under foot by men. (5:13 in Matthew)

Dr. Barrier claims that Jesus is making an analogy here. Unfortunately, there will come a time when His disciples, who represent the salt of the earth, will lose their saltiness and turn into worthless, disposable waste.

Jesus commands, “Throw it out,” when the number of well-salted Christians dwindles to the point where the world is no longer touched by their presence. Then Jesus will come back,” he said.

3. Jesus is anticipating a rebellion before the “man of lawlessness” is made known.

“Don’t be fooled by anyone, for that day [the second coming] will not arrive until the revolt takes place and the man of lawlessness is made manifest… And now that you are aware of his deterrent, the man of lawlessness can be exposed when it is appropriate. (verses three, six)

The reasons why Jesus delayed returning to earth are listed above, but the hows are just as significant. It is best for the world if one concentrates on how one is going to live and spend each day in this world rather than why Jesus hasn’t returned yet.

Will Jesus be content with the “hows” of the world as it waited when He finally arrives?