Home News Are the Mikkelsen Twins a Scam Lets Discuss In Depth ?

Are the Mikkelsen Twins a Scam Lets Discuss In Depth ?


Mikkelsen twins Creating books to help people is the goal of Christian and Rasmus Mikkelsen. They are self-published authors who have created several books that have helped people. They are on Amazon.com selling their books. Do they have a scam or are they creating books that are really useful?.


Mikkelsen twins: Christian and Rasmus Mikkelsen

Despite their relatively humble backgrounds, the twins are a bit of a household name. They’ve been making money online for a while, and in a variety of ways.

They’ve been known to publish books on everything from mindfulness to social media marketing. And they’ve even taken a shot at self-publishing an audiobook.

But where are they now? They moved from Denmark to Hawaii, and back home again in 2018.

It’s a bit hard to tell which was their favorite, because they’ve also been known to work in a variety of different guises.

As for their business ventures, they’ve been known to sell things on Amazon. Specifically, they’ve sold a number of books, and their website also features a plethora of freebies.

For example, they’ve also built a YouTube channel, which they’ve used as a platform for free education.

There are also numerous other online ventures, some of which have yielded some impressive results. For example,

they’ve built an Amazon marketing course, and they’ve also built a book-selling course. They’ve also written dozens of niche-specific books.

Mikkelsen twins: Self-publishing on Amazon

Thousands of people are venturing into self-publishing on Amazon. However, only a few are utilizing the opportunity to its fullest.

The Mikkelsen twins are among these self-published authors. They are known as so-called “experts” in Amazon publishing.

Their approach is a little more unconventional than other MLMs. Their approach is based on the concept that it’s better to create one great product rather than dozens of products.

Before they wrote their first book, the Mikkelsen twins had no formal training. They were high school graduates who had no direction.

They had worked jobs as Chinese food delivery drivers and minimum wage workers. They were also into video games and YouTube videos. They were shy in class.

When they were broke, they wrote their first book. The book was 30000 words long and made $5500 in a month. They then moved on to writing books on CrossFit workouts.

They turned these eBooks into audiobooks. This strategy worked out well for them.

Mikkelsen twins: Scam or real deal?

Whether you are looking to create a passive income from audiobooks or just want to learn more about how to publish an audiobook, Audiobook Income Academy can help.

It’s not a scam and it’s not a bad way to make money. However, you need to do your homework to make sure the program is worth your money.

In an effort to earn money, the Mikkelsen twins tried many different business models. They tried dropshipping, retail arbitrage, and even Merch by Amazon.

They were also known for their pushy marketing tactics. They use the term “ghost audio” a lot in their marketing material.

They are also known for using Youtube ads, but it is not their only way to generate income.

Mikkelsen twins claim that Amazon self-publishing is the secret to their success. They claim that by publishing content as an audiobook on Audible, you can generate significant income.

They also claim that there are tactics you can use to get reviews on your audiobooks.

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