Home Technology Gaming Maximum Football 2020: Game Review

Maximum Football 2020: Game Review


Maximum Football 2020: For the Xbox One X, I’m testing Doug Flutie Maximum Football 2020.
It’s vital to understand the developer’s goal before diving into this game, which costs $29.99 and is also available on PlayStation 4. This quote was taken from the game’s Patreon page.

“Doug Flutie’s Maximum Football is an Xbox One and PlayStation 4 independent video game starring Doug Flutie. We’re on a mission to create a football game that isn’t Madden-like. We recall a time when consoles offered a variety of football video game alternatives, and we strive to provide an alternative.”

With that in mind, here’s what’s good, awful, and ugly about Doug Flutie’s Maximum Football 2020.

Franchise Mode Options Seemingly Infinite

There’s practically nothing I could possibly want to accomplish in terms of franchise mode that DFMF 2020 doesn’t provide.

You can build leagues of various sizes (up to 130 teams), each with its own set of rules.

From a purely structural sense, Canuck Play delivers the goods in franchise and season modes, regardless of football experience.

To be honest, Madden would be undoubtedly the best sports game on the market if it included even a quarter of what DFMF 2020 has to offer in terms of franchise mode.

That wouldn’t solve all of the glitches and other immersion-breaking issues, but it’d be a start.

Customization Options That Are Almost As Extensive

The customisation is almost on line with the franchise mode possibilities, which are excellent. Everyone in the game can be created or edited. You can also change the league’s name, teams, and even logos.

Although DFMF 2020 lacks the NFL licence, the developers have built solutions to fill in the gaps. The only thing missing is the ability to add images for logos, player faces, tattoos, and other items, which could lead to legal issues. You can even write your own scripts:

Let’s go on to the second, and, unfortunately, considerably more common, section of this review.

It’s Difficult to Watch the Visuals | Maximum Football 2020

Consumers can expect to make certain tradeoffs when purchasing a game with a lower price point. You’re not getting a AAA title with a big budget and high-definition graphics. Even with that awareness, every component of DFMF 2020 is horrifying from a visual sense.

The player models date from around 2007, and the animations are from the early days of the Xbox and PlayStation. To be honest, I looked for something visually pleasing about this game and couldn’t find anything.

It’s tough to defend these kinds of graphics and animations when titles like Super Mega Baseball, Fortnite, WWE 2K Battlegrounds, Rocket League, and others achieved far more at the same, cheaper, or slightly higher price points.

Almost as bad as the graphics is the gameplay

Some old school gamers, including myself, are ready to overlook some graphics if the gameplay is great and/or there are several options. DFMF 2020 succeeds at the back end, but fails badly in terms of gameplay.

The ball’s flight is still far too slow. This was a problem with the previous version. Collision detection is also rather amusing. Despite the fact that multiple tacklers seemed to glide right past me on my way to the end zone, I returned the opening kickoff for a touchdown in the very first game I played.

There’s so much wrong with this that I’m not sure where to begin or end. Let’s just say that playing football in DFMF 2020 isn’t really enjoyable.

Bugs and Serious Glitches | Maximum Football 2020

A patch will be released to address some of the game’s issues.

Originally, I was promised it will be available on launch day, but it wasn’t until late afternoon when my Xbox download finished.

There are currently some game-breaking bugs in the game. When attempting some handoffs, your QB will break into a frenzied circle like a ninja clutching a sword (it’s actually the ball, but the malfunction stops him from handing it off). Players tumble at his feet as if he were a human tornado, but the game eventually frees him from his craziness, and the running back mysteriously gets the ball. This isn’t a hyperbole. Look

There will be no presentation

The lack of presentation is one of Madden’s main weaknesses. You’d expect that a game attempting to be an alternative would excel in the areas where EA falls short. There was no such luck

There are no pundits or a halftime show at DFMF 2020. It’s basically old football with generic teams in a virtual atmosphere that’s almost inaudible.

Maximum Football 2020 Final Thoughts

I hope DFMF 2020 turns out to be a good game. I’d like it to be a football game “that isn’t Madden,” providing consumers with a genuine option. This isn’t Madden, unfortunately. It’s a lot worse than that. While it offers a wide range of franchise and customization choices, the game is simply too difficult to look at and play to entice most people to explore its deeper aspects. Even for $30, this game isn’t likely to be worth your time. If you don’t mind sacrificing aesthetics but still want solid gameplay, Madden 08 is a better choice.

• PlayStation 4 and Xbox One are the platforms available (Version Reviewed)

• Canuck Play is the game’s creator.

• Canuck Play is the publisher.

• Date of Publication: September 25, 2020

• Cost: $29.99

• 2 out of 10 for the review

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