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Liposuction vs Tummy Tuck – Which Is Top Body Contouring Procedures in Singapore?



Liposuction vs Tummy Tuck – Which Is Top Body Contouring Procedures in Singapore?: In Singapore, people go for body contouring surgeries to get rid of their fat and excess skin and to tighten deep tissues for perfect body shape. The two most common surgical options in this area include liposuction and tummy tuck (Abdominoplasty). Both these procedures are for enhancing your midsection of the body. Even plastic surgeons claim that you can expect to get a flat, tight, and small tummy after these procedures. These cosmetic surgeries don’t have insurance coverage. Still, those who are ambitious and conscious about their overall appearance go ahead with these options.

Liposuction vs Tummy Tuck – Which Is Top Body Contouring Procedures in Singapore?

If you are suffering from the issue of fat and desire to bring your body in shape, you can consider these options. However, since both these techniques target body fat, you may wonder which one you should opt for in Singapore. Well, it can’t be easy to decide on a choice just like that or based on the popularity factor. Singapore doctors recommend an ideal solution after learn about liposuction and tummy tucks health conditions and requirements. So, you need to contact the best plastic surgeon first to understand the perfect treatment procedure for your needs. However, here is a small brief suggesting which option can be your best bet and when. So, let’s explore it.

When can liposuction be your choice?

This cosmetic procedure can help both men and women to get rid of extra fat from a specific region of the body in an instant. It is not a weight-loss surgery. So, it would help if you did not consider this option for replacing your diet or exercise. After the procedure, your weight can reduce a bit due to the fat removal, though. You can choose this procedure if you don’t have any health issues and still, you struggle to lose fat from your midsection region.

When can tummy tuck be your choice?

Your body can develop wrinkles or sagging skin due to weight loss or aging. These signs can show up mainly in the midsection. If the skin doesn’t tighten, you can find it disappointing and frustrating. With the help of tummy tuck surgery, you can find relief from this problem. The surgeon will eliminate the excess skin from your stomach to give it a firm and tight appearance. It is again not a weight or fat loss program. Hence, you must not anticipate any drastic improvement in your body type. However, you can get a flatter tummy for sure and feel happy about it.

How do take the benefit of both these procedures?

In some cases, doctors may recommend a combination of liposuction & tummy tuck surgery. For example, if you desire to shed extra fat and get tight skin simultaneously, you can opt for both these at the same time. Usually, some women choose these procedures along with breast enhancement in the post-pregnancy phase to get back to their earlier figure and shape.

In Singapore, both these cosmetic procedures are top-rated and highly popular. But it would be better that you consult your surgeon first for a professional opinion. Ultimately, only a surgeon can recommend the best thing for you.