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Let’s See What is Unclaimed Money Mississippi And How To Find It



What is Unclaimed Money Mississippi?

Mississippi unclaimed money abandoned property, unclaimed assets, or unclaimed money. It is money or property that has been left with a person, such as a bank and a solicitor, for a specified statutory period (called a dormancy time).

In most cases, money holders hand it over to the government when the period of dormancy for the money expires. The government is authorized to take custody of funds until they are claimed by the owners. This process is known as escheatment. Unclaimed money may be in the forms of gift cards, checks, and savings accounts, as well as traveler’s cheques, checking and saving accounts, gift cards, life insurance, money order, etc.

The Mississippi Unclaimed Money Act requires that all owners of unclaimed money send the funds directly to the Office of the State Treasury. The money is held by the state treasury until it can be claimed as its own. Instead, the department keeps the property until the rightful owner comes along.

How to Locate Unclaimed Money in Mississippi

If you are looking for unclaimed funds in Mississippi, the state’s treasury is your best bet. Unclaimed property can be searched using any last name or business name. It can also be searched using a street address and a county name. Box number.

How can I locate Mississippi Unclaimed Money?

The Mississippi State Treasury publishes unclaimed money lists that are accessible through its website. To find unclaimed funds, anyone can run free searches on the website.

Some federal agencies that have unclaimed money offer free databases to anyone who wants to locate their funds. These are some examples of unclaimed funds and their custodial authorities:

Undelivered Federal Tax Refund Checks

Mississippi residents who believe that they should have received a refund from the IRS may search the IRS refunds databases to locate their money. If an individual moves, the IRS doesn’t usually send tax returns. Instead, the IRS holds onto the money until its owner claims it. Individuals must enter their Social Security Number, file status, and amount to be refunded when searching for unclaimed money on the IRS webpage.

Unclaimed Harmed Investors’ Funds

This fund is held in custody U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. It’s intended to help victims of securities fraud. Mississippi citizens who are victims of securities-related fraud can search the commission’s database and contact the commission via the following address:

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

100 F Street North East

Washington, DC 20549.

Phone: (202) 551-6551

Mortgage Insurance Refunds

These refunds are made from Federal Housing Administration (FHA) mortgage insurance. Individuals may search the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Unclaimed Refunds Database for any funds that have been lost due to canceled premiums or distributive share payments. To claim the funds, homeowners and their lawyers may contact the agency. Below are the details.

451 7th Street South West

Washington, DC 20410

Phone: (800) 697-6967


What happens to Mississippi’s unclaimed money?

Mississippi’s unclaimed money remains in the government’s possession for all time. These funds remain in the state’s custody until the rightful owner makes a claim. In this case, the Mississippi Unclaimed Property Division releases the money and all accumulated interest.