Home News Kylie Jenner Talks About Stretch Marks On Her Boobs

Kylie Jenner Talks About Stretch Marks On Her Boobs


Kylie is renowned for getting real AF with her followers, which is why the planet was astounded when pregnancy rumors surfaced and not a peep came from our fave Jenner. However, in true Kylie fashion, she did us all a significant solid. How? Not just did Ky show that she had given birth to a baby girl, however she also created a complete compilation video of her pregnancy therefore we could say that we were with her on her experience. (Thanks, girl!).

Kylie Jenner Talks About Stretch Marks On Her Boobs13

Since the birth of baby Stormi, Kylie makes some adjustments to her social media routines. For some time, she said she would no more post photos of her baby because of kidnapping threats she was getting. Then, she broke the seal and began publishing erratic pics again.

While Stormi on Instagram said, Kylie makes sure to keep her personal selfie pics coming. After publishing pictures of herself in a swimwear soon after having a baby, individuals were all “WTF?!” about her bounced back body.

But Kylie recently set the record straight about how exactly pregnancy changes all bodies, including hers, and just how it can be a powerful but additionally really beautiful thing.

On July 6, Kylie published a YouTube video to her YouTube channel that presented a Q&A with her BFF Jordyn Woods. In the vid, Kylie answered follower questions, and she didn’t avoid ANYTHING.

When Jordyn was asked about her weight reduction, Kylie dived in to discuss how she would like to begin exercising. “After Stormi, I feel as if people believe that I bounced back fast, which I guess I did in that ‘everything’s so perfect’ and individuals obtain the wrong idea on Instagram sometimes,” she says.

Then, Kylie got real AF about becoming a young mom. “Especially at this type of early age, to view your body undergo this type of change which is physically, psychologically and emotionally challenging,” she says. “It’s additionally a beautiful thing plus it was this type of great pregnancy and birth, and I’m so happy and i also would’ve done the same thing once again.”

And she gave some understanding of how her body has evolved since having Stormi. “Like, my boobs are certainly 3 times the size, which disturbs me. I have stretch-marks on my boobs,” Ky says. “You understand, my stomach isn’t the same, my waist isn’t the same, and my butt’s bigger, my thighs are bigger… it’s only a change. I’m searching I have to alter my style a bit because nothing suits me from before.”

When questioned about how Stormi seems like her, Kylie stated that they actually do differ a great deal in one department. “The one thing I had been inferior about she has,” Kylie says. “She has the most ideal lips in the whole world. She didn’t get those from me. I thank her dad for all those.”