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Batman fans Art Shows What Barry Keoghan Would Look Like as ‘The Joker’



Fan art depicts what Barry Keoghan would look like as The Joker in Batman.

Since the first trailer for The Batman debuted at DC Fandome 2020, DC fans have been waiting for March 4, 2022 to arrive for what seems like an eternity.

While the arrival of The Dark Knight is the main focus, actor Barry Keoghan also has a role in the latest rendition that is worth watching.

Barry Keoghan would look like as The Joker

We look at what Barry Keoghan’s involvement in The Batman could be, share some fan art depicting him as The Joker, and explain why the film was given a PG-13 rating despite DC fans’ demands for an R-rated superhero film.

The Batman, starring Robert Pattinson, Zoe Kravitz, Paul Dano, Colin Farrell, Andy Serkis, and Jeffrey Wright, is set during the early days of Bruce Wayne’s vengeance-seeking persona and is set in one of the darkest representations of Gotham City ever seen on screen.

When the cast list for The Batman was slowly being announced, Barry Keoghan was billed as a police officer from the start.

Then, throughout the previous six months, the duty of a Gotham police officer was transformed to “Unseen Arkham Prisoner.”

DC fans accused Warner Bros. of pulling a Marvel ruse, in which some aspects are altered or removed from trailers or actors are credited for bogus roles in order to mislead viewers.

When Keoghan’s new role was revealed, though, fans immediately identified one major villain who could also serve as an Arkham prisoner.

The Penguin, Catwoman, The Riddler, and Carmine Falcone are just a few of the great villains who have appeared in the Batman universe. However, one significant character – The Joker – was left off the list, and fans are confident that Keoghan will be putting a smile on his face when he sees him.

Keoghan as The Joker in fan art

bobby art, a digital artist, submitted a realistic rendering of Keoghan as The Joker, replete with Arkham Asylum overalls to match the actor’s new role.

Mizuriau, a popular artist, shared concept art with Instagram users, showing Keoghan in the Clown Prince of Crime’s trademark purple attire.

Another fan took a more subtle approach to Keoghan’s Joker makeover, suggesting that the villain is older than Batman, comparable to Todd Phillips’ interpretation in 2019’s Joker.

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