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John Mulaney Divorce: Anna Marie Tendler Shares Details About Her Shocking Divorce From John Mulaney



John Mulaney Divorce and Tendler shocked fans in May 2021 when they announced their divorce after six years together. Shortly thereafter, Mulaney revealed he and his new girlfriend Olivia Munn were expecting a baby, which would be born Nov. 24 to Malcolm Hiep, his nickname from their son Malcolm Hiep.

In her Harper’s Bazaar interview, Tendler doesn’t specifically name her former spouse by name but nonetheless alluded to the emotional turmoil she has gone through in the last year.

“What has transpired has been completely shocking and surreal,” the author and multimedia artist revealed to the magazine. “In a sense, I feel like I’ve reached the depths of what is possible now.”

Later, Tendler described how her feelings of loneliness after the divorce were compounded by the chaos caused by COVID-19. She found solace only through a focus on her work.

“I had a lot of bad days and medium ones,” she shared, noting that there weren’t any good days until the summer. My job requires such meticulous handwork that it’s almost like I’m working with needles and thread – if I don’t pay attention I’ll prick myself with one and mess something up.” Luckily for her work involves such mundane details: when working with these tools she feels no pressure to complete something quickly or accurately.

“Let your life crumble around you,” she exclaimed, “and then develop a hand skill!”

Mulaney’s fans were understandably disappointed when he became a father, as the comedian had repeatedly stated that he and Tendler had no intentions to have children.

John Mulaney Divorce and Tendler has always prioritized her relationship with her partner over having children, but is now considering the possibility of motherhood and plans on freezing her eggs for future use.

“Before that door was shut, there were things I hadn’t even considered,” she said. “Now that there’s less of a barrier, I find myself reflecting on them a lot.”

“I feel fortunate that I get to stand on the brink of all these new experiences, and who knows where they will lead?” she reflected. “There’s something exciting about that prospect!” she concluded.

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