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Jeffrey Morton Dead: Hiker found dead after he disappeared



Jeffrey Morton Dead: On Saturday, a hiker aged 63 who disappeared while hiking in Carbon Canyon Regional Park was found dead. Let’s take a look at Jeffrey Morton’s story.

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Jeffrey Morton dead: What happened to him?

On Saturday, authorities announced that a 63 year-old man had been missing while on a hike in Brea’s Carbon Canyon Regional Park.

Soon after 5:30 p.m. the Orange County Sheriff’s Department tweeted, “The Orange County Sheriff’s Department regrets to report that Jeffrey Morton was found deceased,” and that the county coroner’s department was investigating Morton’s death. His family and friends are in our thoughts.

How did Jeffrey Morton die?

According to the Sheriff’s Department, Jeffrey Paul Morton left Yorba Linda around 2:30 a.m. on Friday for a hike.

According to investigators, he arrived home at 6 a.m. every day. Morton’s 2004 Acura MDX in white was found at the intersection of Brea Hill Drive and Carbon Canyon Road, right across from the park.

Friday’s authorities claimed that he did not have a cellphone and that his trekking route was unclear.

According to the Sheriff’s Department, Jeffrey had “never failed to return home from a trekking trip.”

The Brea Fire Department responded on Friday to a Morton-related complaint and launched a rescue operation.

Crews scoured the hills of the area, but poor visibility made it difficult to get aerial coverage.

The Sheriff’s Department requested public assistance. Anyone with any information is asked to call (714) 647-7700

Search and rescue teams found Jeffrey dead early Saturday morning. The circumstances surrounding Jeffrey’s death were being investigated by police.