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Hunter Biden Laptop Controversy – Know All About This Scandal



An unidentified person recently dropped off Hunter Biden laptop at a computer repair shop in Delaware. No one ever picked it up. Now, the New York Post has exposed the mystery. Why was he able to get away with it? And what about Burisma Holdings? What did he do with it? We will explore these issues and others in the coming weeks. For now, let’s take a look at what we know so far. Follow chopnews for more updates 

Mac Isaac

After a month of being under FBI subpoenas, a Scottish-American man named John Paul Mac Isaac is finally facing charges for selling Hunter Biden’s lost laptop. His hard drive, which contains a back-up of the laptop, was confiscated by the FBI on Dec. 9. Although Mac Isaac denied any involvement in the theft, he remained uncooperative and refused to answer questions.

Apparently, John Paul Mac Isaac, owner of a computer repair shop in Wilmington, Delaware, was contacted by the media after a state investigation revealed a laptop belonging to Hunter Biden was stolen. The person who dropped off the laptops identified himself as Hunter Biden and signed a receipt in his name. Hunter Biden never collected the laptop. The incident prompted calls to the president of the United States’ Senate candidate.

The FBI has now confirmed that the laptop in question belonged to Hunter Biden. They have also determined that multiple people had copied and used the data on the laptop. Fortunately, the laptop itself is now in the hands of the FBI, which is now investigating the senator’s business dealings. But if that’s not enough, there’s another possibility: the device may have been stolen by a rival.

After a year of investigation, the federal government seized the laptops. Although Mac Isaac refused to publicly accuse the Biden family directly, he acknowledged that his actions were retaliatory. He wore a green Balmoral cap throughout the investigation and filed a lawsuit against Twitter in December 2020. He said the social network had suppressed initial reports about the laptop. He also claimed that Twitter and Facebook suppressed reports relating to his findings.

Joe Biden

A new revelation about the contents of Joe Biden’s son’s laptop has raised questions about his character. According to the New York Post, Hunter Biden used the laptop to sell his connections to a Ukrainian energy company, and may have even received a cut for the family business. While his father has always denied any wrongdoing, the story has caused him to be forced to explain himself. Here are a few things we should know about the laptop.

The most famous allegation involving the laptop is that it contained classified information. The information was obtained from a hacked laptop, which was seized from a Democratic senator in 2008. The former president of the United States has been indicted for lying to Congress, but he’s not the only one accused of treason. The FBI and the Department of Homeland Security also have been accused of interfering in the 2016 election.

However, the media were quick to dismiss the email from Hunter Biden as false, and instead “fact-checked” them. Eventually, the former vice president’s former business partner came forward with documents that supported his claims. In the meantime, the media were quick to reprint the speculations of obviously partisan “intelligence officials,” including former Obama spooks James Clapper and John Brennan. Nevertheless, the story was largely ignored by the mainstream media.

Burisma Holdings

In the wake of a scandal involving the Burisma Holdings CEO and the Ukraine’s Vadym Pozharskyi, President Donald Trump has moved to investigate his son’s business dealings. The investigation has revealed emails that were allegedly sent from his personal computer and those from CEFC China Energy. The emails include reminders for board meetings, confirmations for travel, and notifications of a monthly payment. Green and Williams believe that the emails were likely authentic, but have advised caution when it comes to fake cryptographic signatures.

The emails recovered from Biden’s laptop suggest that he used his father’s position in the Obama administration to influence the government of Ukraine. The US had threatened to halt billions of dollars of loan guarantees to Ukraine after the prosecutor’s resignation. Hunter Biden also established his own business, Rosemont Seneca Partners, during his father’s first term as vice president. In addition, he gained access to meetings with state-owned companies in China.

The New York Post has reported that Joe Biden met with an executive of the Ukrainian energy firm Burisma Holdings. The president’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, denies ever meeting with his son’s business associates. According to the Post, an email obtained by The Post shows that Pozharskyi asked Hunter Biden to advise him on how to prevent politically motivated actions. However, a source familiar with the matter told The Post that the laptop had nothing to do with the tax investigation. Meanwhile, prosecutors in Delaware sought information on Hunter Biden’s income from Burisma Holdings Ltd and spent habits. They also questioned an associate of the vice president about drug and alcohol abuse.

The New York Post

The contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop have been revealed. The New York Post exclusively reported that the laptop was dumped in a Delaware repair shop in April. The laptop contained emails, text messages, financial documents, and photos. Biden has denied the report. Other news outlets have tried to corroborate the Post’s findings, but have been unable to do so. The case is now being investigated by the FBI.

A story in The New York Post published on Hunter Biden’s laptop revealed troves of embarrassing emails and pictures from his personal life. Some were embarrassing and others became memes. Perhaps the most famous picture is the one of Hunter smoking in the bathtub. However, the meat of the article claimed that the younger Biden traded inappropriately on the family name. Moreover, the younger Biden also arranged meetings between his father and unseemly business associates from Ukraine.

The Post’s story also exposed the fact that Biden’s laptop was left in a repair shop in Delaware for two weeks. While the story was a sensational topic at the time, it also ignited a political debate. While many pundits and politicians have condemned the story, many media outlets have remained silent since then. This story has not been widely reported and it’s possible that the story was suppressed to protect Biden. The Post’s story was a hit, as it lit the national mood.

Sexually explicit photos and videos on the laptop

In a tweet circulated by a pro-Trump cable network, chief white house correspondent Chanel Rion claimed that the laptop’s hard drive contained sexually explicit photos and videos of Vice President Joe Biden. The tweet had been shared over 53,000 times and was even shared on the 4chan internet forum, where anonymous users speculated that the FBI was investigating the Democrat’s husband. In the video, Biden appears to be smoking crack and engaging in a sex act with an unidentified woman.

The story claimed that Biden saved images of himself using crack cocaine and having sex with a number of women. The sexually explicit material was reportedly created when he was single. The media’s coverage played up the purely salacious images, and Giuliani, the former New York mayor, made false claims about it in order to hurt Biden’s campaign.

Regardless of whether the pictures are real or not, if the sexually explicit videos and pictures were taken by the Vice President, the incident is an embarrassment to the Biden family. The scandal has caused the US presidential candidate to apologize publicly for his actions, and it has sparked the investigation of his past. It’s unclear whether the alleged sexual misconduct will affect his political career or his personal life, but it’s certainly a scandal that must be dealt with swiftly.

Trump’s campaign efforts to discredit Joe Biden

In a late effort to tarnish the former vice president, the Trump campaign released emails and photos from the lap top of his son, Hunter Biden. The emails and photos, which the younger Biden had allegedly abandoned, were leaked in a manner similar to Russian efforts to dump damaging materials on Hillary Clinton during the 2016 presidential election. The emails and photos were accompanied by allegations of Biden’s corruption.

A trove of data recovered from the laptop included emails from the campaign. Giuliani has repeatedly promoted the idea that the Ukrainian government interfered with the 2016 presidential election. The hard drive was dropped off at a computer repair shop in Delaware in April 2019. Although the owner of the shop could not identify Biden definitively, he created a backup of the data and provided it to Giuliani’s lawyer.

In October, Rudy Giuliani gave copies of the files to the New York Post and other conservative outlets. Those stories quickly spread and fueled an intense debate over the authenticity of the emails. The Democrats, meanwhile, cried foul, arguing that the materials were fake or stolen, while disinformation experts said the laptop was a legitimate piece of evidence. The news prompted Twitter to restrict links to the New York Post story and Facebook to limit access to the laptop’s owner.

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