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Fortnite Robot Factory: Where Is the Location Of Factory



Where To Collect 100 Metal In Fortnite’s Bot Factory

Fortnite robot factory: It’s the final step of the materials collection challenge, one of the simpler challenges we’ve seen in Fortnite: Battle Royale so far.

Not that anyone is complaining: at the conclusion of the season, it’s always good to be able to pick up some quick battle pass tiers.

We’ve previously seen pirate ships, Viking ships, fork knives, and umbrellas, so it’s time to wrap things up.

We started with wood, then moved on to stone, and now you can guess what we’re going to do next.

It’s time to get your hands on 100 metal. This brings us to the newest of the bunch, and one that should have a big impact on the game over the next few days.

Continue reading for a map, guide, and location for obtaining 100 metal from a bot factory.

So, if you’re looking for a bot factory, here’s one thing to look for: a massive robot.

This thing wasn’t there at the start of the season, but it’s been in use for a few weeks now, ever since Pressure Plant switched over to its true purpose.

It’s difficult to miss from the air, or from anyplace else for that matter, but this is where you’re heading.

When you arrive, you may notice a massive robot sitting in the centre.

Since it began with nary a foot, it’s come a long way, and we expect it to be finished by the time whatever event takes place next weekend.

It’s simple to complete the challenge: there’s plenty of metal everywhere, so just grab 100 units and go.

However, you might want to stay and investigate the robot, as it’s one of the biggest things we’ve seen so far in this game. Take a closer look:

I have a feeling this creature won’t be sitting in its bay happily come Saturday. What good is a large robot if it can’t fight a giant monster?

There’s still a monster out there, roving the oceans with a castle on its head, and what good is a giant robot if it can’t battle a giant monster?

Let’s see what happens in this game now that something huge has happened.