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Five of the World’s Most Famous Hackers & What Happened to Them



Five of the World’s Most Famous Hackers & What Happened to Them: Hello, Everyone Today I am going to share some interesting facts on the World’s most famous Hackers.

Not all hackers are bad. There are two types of Hackers. The Hackers of good ones are called White-Hat Hackers and they are use hacking to improve computer security. The other Hackers who are just having fun and they are called gray-hat hackers. But the kind of Hackers you think of they are called Black-Hat Hackers. And they can create a lot of harm as in the history has shown. Here are some of the Five most famous hackers in the world and what happened to them.

Five of the World’s Most Famous Hackers & What Happened to Them

1. Jonathan James

The name Jonathan James was known as “c0mrade” on the Internet. He was sent to prison for hacking in the United States of America, he was still a minor. Just only at the age of Fifteen he managed to hack into a number of networks, including those networks belonging to High Official Authorities like Bell South, Miami-Dade, the U.S. Department of Defense, and NASA.

James hacked into NASA’s many network and downloaded more source code to learn how the International Space Station worked. The total value of the downloaded assets of James has equaled $1.7 million. Because of this NASA had to shut down their network for three weeks while they were investigated the victim, the amount which cost them $41,000.

In the year 2007, The story of James has an ending. Because of this massive network attacks many of the high-profile companies fell down. In the year of 2008, James denied any of his involvement, and he suspected and investigated. At last James committed suicide believing he would be made more crimes that he did not commit.

2. Kevin Mitnick

He is the Most Wanted Computer Criminal in the history of U.S. On Kevin Mitnick there are two featured films has been based. The One is Takedown 2000 and the other Freedom Downtime. He hacked the many cell phones and made free calls out of them and from many Companies, he had stolen the code. Kevin also has an involvement in hacking The NSA (National Security Agency) phone calls. He found to be a guilty in many frauds and charges, he sent to prison for five years. Now, He works as a professional Security Consultant.

3. Albert Gonzalez

Albert Gonzalez entered his way to Internet when he collected over 170 million of credit cards and ATM cards over the number period of 2 years. Over about half of the population of U.S.A.

On the name of Shadow Crew, He started as the leader of a hacker group. This group of hackers would go on to steal 1.5 million credit cards numbers and sell them profit on the online. Shadow Crew also involved in  fraudulent passports, health insurance cards, and birth certificates for identity theft crimes. He was hacked into the databases of TJX Companies and Heartland Payment Systems for their stored credit card numbers and he was prison for almost 20 years.

4. Kevin Poulsen

Kevin Poulsen, was also known as “Dark Dante,” gained his fifteen minutes of name by providing his intricate knowledge of telephone systems. At one side, he hacked a radio station’s phone lines and fixed himself as the winning caller. According to media, he was to be named as the “Hannibal Lecter of computer crime.”

He then entered his way onto the FBI’s wanted list when he stolen wiretap information and hacked into federal systems. Later, he was captured in a camera on the supermarket and sentenced to 51 months in prison, as well paying $56,000 in restitution.

After being released from the prison he changed his ways.  Now, He began working as a journalist and also, he is now a senior editor for Wired News. He now even helped law enforcement to identify 744 sex offenders on Myspace.

5. Gary McKinnon

He was a Scottish computer hacker namely Gray McKinnon was popular as Internet handle “Solo.” He gained to access 97 American Military Networks and NASA between the years of 2001 and 2002, and leaving the message on military website, as “Your Security is Crap.” However, he claimed that he was just searching for information about energy suppression and UFO activity cover-ups. He has been registered “Biggest Military Computer Hack of all the time.” But, now he has changed as a SEO wizard and charging 40 Pounds per hour to help websites cum blog ranks.

So, these are the interesting facts of the famous hackers in the world. It is very useful facts about these famous hackers to avoid such wrong things which they used as a tool to be a famous one in the whole world. Hope, you all enjoyed by reading this article. If any Query or Question please feel free to express your view points.