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Engraved Clapperboards and Denecke Clapperboards with all the Features



Engraved Clapperboards and Denecke Clapperboards with all the Features: Combining the convenience and functionality of a legislate with the timeless appeal of a clapperboard, the new Denecke TS-TCB slate offers a twist on tradition that will satisfy the professional preferences of any production team.

The compact, high spec Intelligent hardware clapper slate is the result of the combined brainpower of Denecke and Timecode Systems (the company behind the Timecode Buddy: system) and will be on show at NAB 2014 next week. While many production teams appreciate the capabilities of an iPad digislate, some still favor a real slate –and demand the clap that marks the start of a take.

Engraved Clapperboards and Denecke Clapperboards with all the Features

Timecode Systems recognized this and saw an opportunity to join forces with an established slate manufacturer, Denecke, to integrate the functionally of the Timecode Buddy: wifi master into the solid, dependable Denecke TS3 slate. Inside the Denecke TS-TCB, you’ll find Timecode Systems’: system ONE controller board and a: system ONE custom display board.

Together they equip this clapperboard with a highly accurate internal timecode generator, RF transceiver, WiFi chip and customized display panel. The output is denecke clapperboards, clapstick times and metadata that are instantly configured, synced and then remains in perfect harmony all day long, even if RFis momentarily lost.

The addition of the:


system ONE board also makes the Denecke TS-TCB automatically compatible with the entire Timecode Buddy: system as well as full integration into the control surface of the Movie Slate app. It also works alongside the new Teradek Cube PRO and Timecode Buddy’s other supporting third-party applications(e.g. Movie Slate, Adobe Prelude Live Logger, Softron Movie Recorder/Multicam Logger and IN2COREQTakeHD).

“By working together with Denecke, we’ve created a physical slate with networking capabilities to seamlessly integrate into digital workflow apps for content logging,” says Paul Scurrell, Timecode Systems managing director. “We’ve created the most powerful intelliSlate on the market giving users for the first time the advantage of a real slate but with two way communication enabled by the Timecode Buddy: system.”

The collaboration represents another leap forward in Timecode Systems’ quest to simplify and enhance production workflows. Generate, sync, share – three words that together encapsulate what Timecode Buddy offers. Generate world-class accurate timecode. Sync audio and picture wirelessly over a robust multi-channel digital timecode link. And then share this data with iOS and OS X devices over WiFi.

These capabilities are now available to Denecke customers too. The Deneke TS-3 Time Code Slate reads and displays SMPTE/EBU Time Code; it utilizes an internally mounted SB-2 Syncbox Time Code Generator. This unit Jams to all standard frame rates, including 30 df; user bits jam automatically when the time is set. The high stability crystal ensures low drift and now comes standard with the TCXO option for extreme temperature ranges.

  • Flat Back: This slate features a flat back for easy holding; also has a removable plate for holding camera logs.
  • Clapper: This unit features a colored clapper.
  • Voltage Readout: A battery voltage readout and low battery warning keep the user informed.
  • Access Door: A small sliding door allows quick access to controls and battery pack.
  • Error Warning: A Sync Error warning lets the user know different frame rates are being inputted.
  • Automatic: The incoming frame rate is read and the reader automatically sets to that frame rate.
  • Logging: A logging feature allows the user to scroll back through the last 16 timecode claps.

Engraved clapperboards: are those clapboards that have been made and customized or simply put, modified and designed by the owner or the company that is going to use it. It is also used in film production but it is very different from the normal clapboards or Hollywood clapboards, but they all serve similar purposes which include; Audio/Video synchronization, video recording, etc.

The custom clapper board includes company name & company logo which you will not find on the ordinary clapper boards or Hollywood clapperboard. But the custom clapper board also includes director’s name, a name of the project and all order things you find on a clapperboard. Custom clapperboards comprised of a wooden slate with a pivoted clapstick connected to its best.

Current clapperboards, by and large, utilize a couple of wooden sticks on either a whiteboard or a translucent acrylic glass slates. Keen slates or legislates are electronic SMPTE time code variants with carefully showed data. The clapsticks generally have corner to corner interleaved lines of highly contrasting to guarantee an unmistakable visual of the applaud in most lighting conditions.

As of late stays with adjusted shading stripes have turned out to be accessible. In a few preparations, especially those made in the advanced area, electronically superimposed forms of a clapperboard have supplanted the genuine article.

Components for a Custom Clapperboards

The components that appear on a custom clapperboard is relative, that is, the components that are on it depends on the company that owns it, but most custom clapper boards include the following information;

  • Company Name
  • Company Logo
  • Director’s Name
  • Name of the project
  • Date, etc.

Sheela is Newspaper Head and Chief Content writer at chopnews. She is always motivated and passionate for his work and always try to give his best. She always try to learn new things. She is focused to his target and always Dream big to achieve a lot. She always motivate other to Dream Big and achieve Big and Be a Role Model for Every one.