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Apex Keeps Crashing [ How To Fix ]



Apex Keeps Crashing : After the Fight Night Update, ‘Apex Legends’ PC crashing issues are being investigated.

The Fight Night update for Apex Legends, which was released on all platforms Tuesday afternoon, hasn’t been well received by PC players.

While most people on Xbox and PlayStation appear to be having a good time, individuals on Origin and Steam have been experiencing frequent crashes and freezes, regardless of their hardware configuration.

While the difficulties may vary significantly depending on your system configuration, the most common symptom is periodic crashes and black screens that occur every 10 minutes or so after booting.

Some people have been able to exit the game using the Windows Task Manager when it crashes, but others can’t even get that tool to show up.

If a force closing isn’t possible, the next best option has been to completely shut down and reboot their machines by holding down the power button.

A short search of the Apex Legends subreddit reveals that the bug has harmed dozens of players.

These aren’t the kinds of solutions one should use to fix any software flaw, which is why Apex’s publishers, EA, have declared that its support teams are on the case.

When Twitter user @PITTMANkevin5 questioned about Apex’s frequent crashes, the EA Help Twitter account answered, “it appears like our games team is presently researching an issue causing crashes and it should be fixed shortly.”

“I would want to let you know that our game team is aware of the issue and examining the reports to find a resolution,” EA Help said in response to a similar complaint from Twitter user @TheTruthNation_.

Unfortunately, no schedule for the implementation of that remedy has been provided.

Despite the fact that the official Apex Legends Twitter account has yet to address the PC crashing difficulties, we expect those social media channels to be the first to reveal a solution when one is discovered.

Given that the problems haven’t gone away with time, it appears that a tiny client-side change may be required to prevent future crashes.

At the very least, knowing that help is on the way should give PC users some comfort following a less-than-stellar 48-hour gaming experience.

Fight Night was the first major Apex Legends update of 2021, and it’s no secret that the game’s ardent fanbase has been anticipating its release.

Despite the high level of anticipation, Apex’s developers at Respawn decided to release the update early, at 1 p.m. EST, rather than the previously planned 11 p.m. EST launch time.

It’s difficult to say whether those few extra hours of development might have averted the PC crashes that are currently occurring, but in a post-Cyberpunk future, launching a product early and sloppy is hardly a good image.

As soon as one becomes available, we’ll try our best to provide an update on the situation. Until then, PC gamers may find it more convenient to play Fight Night on a console.

Apex Legends is currently available for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.

Since the Fight Night update, has your Apex Legends game on PC been crashing? Have you discovered any ways to avoid crashes? Let us know in the comments!

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