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Stocks In The News: Globant (NYSE: GLOB)



Globant (NYSE: GLOB), a digitally native technology services company focused on creating digital journeys declared recently a partnershipwith Google Cloud to offer an end-to-end OTT platform solution for the media and entertainment industry. This integrated offering leverages Google Cloud’s Anvato Media Content Platform for content ingestion, metadata administration, analytics, and server-side ad insertion, and Globant’s Signal OTT Application Platform, for video app creation, ongoing curation and content administration, and application UX updates across all major consumer devices such as Roku, iOS, Xbox, Android, and more.

“Globant’s Signal interactive OTT app platform assists media and entertainment companies quickly launch native experiences across all major platforms and devices while providing constant interaction to engage with audiences,” says Nate Thompson, Globant Managing Director of Globant’s Media Practice. “Our integration with Anvato creates a seamless end-to-end offering, from content capture and ingest through consumer playback.”

The integrated platform offers a complete end-to-end solution for media and entertainment companies who need to monetize their content on the exploding number of consumer devices beyond the television set. With this combined solution customers can now rely on two proven juggernauts in the cloud and video industry for an integrated solution to address this challenge.

Recently, Signal supports iOS smartphone and tablet, Android smartphone and tablet, Apple TV, Android TV, Fire TV, Roku, Xbox, and UWP. With its plug-in architecture, Signal integrates with all critical categories of providers in the OTT supply chain counting analytics, ads, authentication, quality of service and more. Signal thrives with several interaction features, as it also provides Gaming Tools, Social Interactions, Comments, Likes, User Generated Content and Second Screen tools to deeply engage with customers’ audience. These features facilitate deep insights of users increasing session times and user recurrence growing monetization opportunities.

Sheela is Newspaper Head and Chief Content writer at chopnews. She is always motivated and passionate for his work and always try to give his best. She always try to learn new things. She is focused to his target and always Dream big to achieve a lot. She always motivate other to Dream Big and achieve Big and Be a Role Model for Every one.