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Top 5 Best Astrologers in the World



Top 5 Best Astrologers in the World: Astrology, as being practiced up today, is actually a very deeper, and actually more refined, and more a more diverse than it was actually in the years past. What once actually it was was considered as the fortune telling has become now became a nuanced tool for the  spiritual and the psychological growth. There are lots of astrologers who actually are led the way by finding up more deeper and more significant meaning in the ancient astrological symbolism. So now, let’s get started with the list of the top 5 best astrologers in current in the world.

Top 5 Best Astrologers in the World

1. Stephen Arroyo

Arroyo is basically considered up as one of the world’s best and leading astrologers. Influenced up by the very great early 20th-century popular and famed astrologer Dane Rudyhar, Stephen’s take on astrology is basically psychological and actaullyt humanistic. In the year 1992, Stephen Arroyo was actually awarded by the best and most prestigious award that actually can be bestowed upon an astrologer, The United Astrology Conference (UAC) Regulus Award for the Theory and the actual Understanding. Arroyo is basically fat and has written atleast eight books, which has been then translated into over about 25 languages. His actual keen insights have then redefined up as the astrological concepts into both of the psychological and the energy terms.

2. Michael Erlewine

Michael is basically a great American musician, photographer, TV host, Internet entrepreneur, and yeah she is also a internationally known astrologer having over 40 years of experience as an author, a teacher, and a counselor too. He has also won a great number of awards including up the prestigious UAC Regulus Award. In the year 1977, Michael was the first one to apply in the computer technology to the astrological measurements and the program astrology on the microcomputers. Then, a year later, he founded up the great Matrix Software, which making up the first modular and a great astrology program available currently to the professional astrologers.

3. Steven Forrest

It’s been know likely to almost everyone who has actually studied Western astrology in the last 25 plus years which has been actually inspired up by Steven Forrest’s work.In the year 1984, Steven basically published up “The Inner Sky”. This truly amazing and outstanding  poetic book put Seven in the spotlight and actually made him won  the 1985 Professional Astrologers Incorporated award for his “Outstanding Contribution to the Art and Science of Astrology.” The Inner Sky basically covered up all the basics of astrology. For many pf the learning students, the novice astrologers, and even the professionals, it was actually their first introduction to the world of the archetypal astrology, the synthesis, and the astrological storytelling.

4. Demetra George

Demetra has actually been as a  professional astrologer since the early year of 1971. With the mythology being as her actual background, Demetra was actually able to create up a great unique synthesis of the archetypal astrology and the great ancient techniques. Her great seminal in the year 1986 work, The, Asteroid Goddesses: The Mythology, The Psychology, and the Astrology of the Re-Emerging Feminine, the co-authored with the Douglas Bloch, she actually quickly became up the definitive work on the world of the  asteroids Ceres, the Pallas, Juno, and the Vesta. The Asteroid Goddesses was actually published at a great time when many of the astrologers were actually resisting up the introduction of the actual hundreds of the basic small planetary bodies that actually demanded up the interpretation.

5. Jeffery Wolf Green

Jeffrey Wolf Green was active as an international lecturer on the evolutionary astrology from 1977 until the year 2001. His first book, published in 1984, Pluto, The Evolutionary Journey of the Soul, took the astrological community by the storm. It greatly enriched the astrologers’ understanding of Pluto’s influence. Translated into many languages, it continues to be of the best and top-selling astrology books of all time. Jeffrey Wolf Green launched his school of Evolutionary Astrology in 1994 which is still available today via correspondence and is also taught around the world by those who studied under this great teacher.

So, here we end up our listing of the best we got as the best and most great astrologers currently in the world, hope you enjoyed up the article. Thanks for visiting our platform. Keep Reading. Stay Tuned.