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’16 And Pregnant’ Star Jordan Cashmyer Dies Aged 26




’16 And Pregnant’ Star Jordan Cashmyer Dies Aged 26 months after her fiance Michael Schaffer died.

Jordan Cashmyer, a 26-year-old woman who appeared in the documentary series 16 and Pregnant, has died.

Jordan died on Sunday in Maryland, only months after her fiancé, Michael Schaffer, passed away shortly after the birth of her second daughter Lyla.

‘16 and Pregnant’ star Jordan Cashmyer dies aged 26, months after the death of her fiance Michael Schaffer

Jordan Cashmyer on 16 and Pregnant (in the video above)

Dennis M. Cashmyer Jr., Jordan’s father, shared the devastating news of her death on Facebook, writing: “Last night I received a call no parent ever desires.”

Jordan, my oldest and most cherished daughter, died at the age of 26. Our hearts are shattered. No parent should ever have to experience the loss of a child.

“Please remember my family in your prayers as we deal with this awful catastrophe. Please be considerate of our privacy at this time. Our children, granddaughter Lyla, and other family members shower us with love and support.

An examination of Jordan’s life

Jordan was featured in season five of the MTV reality show 16 and Pregnant, which followed her job search and homelessness while pregnant with her oldest daughter.

On March 7, 2014, she gave birth to Genevieve “Evie” with her then-boyfriend Derek Taylor.

Her family, who were against her connection with Derek, went on to publicly shun her after Derek refused to work to support his new family.

Jordan subsequently stated she suffered from postpartum depression and attempted suicide in a Facebook post, saying there “wasn’t much of a purpose to live anymore.”

“I’ve been dealing with a variety of emotional issues since having Genevieve,” the message began.

“I was diagnosed with postpartum depression and put on medicine for it for a while, but I never went back to my appointment.”

Jordan wrote in 2014, “My mood wouldn’t stay steady for long, I was incredibly impulsive, couldn’t focus, the simplest things would set me off, and my anxiety, depression, and OCD all became worse, and my anxiety, sadness, and OCD all got worse.”

Jordan and Evie’s father, Derek, divorced shortly after Evie was born.

Jordan’s father and stepmother then stepped in to temporarily share Evie’s guardianship, before Jordan signed over her parenting rights to Derek’s mother in 2015.

In June 2016, at the age of 21, the 16 and Pregnant actress checked herself into a rehab center after injuring herself while inebriated, according to TMZ.

Jordan later revealed on Facebook that she had been prescribed new medicine, which had helped her mood improve.

“I’m back to my old self; joyful, smiling, conversational, and clear-headed… Things are looking good, and I am determined to provide my baby and myself the best possible future,” she added.

Jordan’s tumultuous journey continued in 2017, when she was arrested for narcotics possession while working at a strip club.

In January 2021, she did, however, celebrate a year of sobriety by posting a flyer for an anniversary party at a church on Facebook.

Yet another tragic death

Michael Schaffer, Jordan’s new fiancé, died tragically soon after the birth of their daughter Lyla, Jordan’s second child, in June.

Jordan released a photo of the young family, as well as a photo of their newborn, after his death.

“You have been through hell,” family and friends said in messages. Continue to smile and look after yourself and your lovely child. If you ever need anything or someone to talk to, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Please do not hesitate to contact me.”

“I sincerely hope you and your little angel are both doing well… I’m sending hugs and love your way. Jordan, you have BURCHILL in you. “Hang in there, honey,” said another.

Call Lifeline on 13 11 14 if you’re in a crisis. Contact Beyondblue on 1300224636 for more information about depression, or chat to your GP, a local health professional, or someone you trust.

Greetings! I'm Gunjan, a passionate wordsmith and content enthusiast with a knack for turning ideas into engaging narratives. I reside in the magical realm of words, where every sentence is a brushstroke and every paragraph, a canvas.